Psalms 6:7 My eyes grow weak with sorrow; they fail because of all my foes.
David had many literal foes: wicked, hateful men who wanted him dead. Chances are, in your life, you don't have that kind of opposition.
The foes I struggle against are the kind of enemies that aren't seen, but broadcast on a dedicated static frequency in my head. My enemies have names like unrighteous anger, false guilt, exhaustion, complacency, frustration, condemnation, and hopelessness just to mention a few.
False guilt is a frequent visitor in my head. When things don't go well, regardless of the circumstances or who might be at fault, that little demon comes to life accusing me of everything. "If I'd only done this or that," I tell myself, "this terrible thing wouldn't have happened."
Another of my constant companions is condemnation. "Why bother, God doesn't hear your prayers. Don't you think He has better things to do?"
Okay, so we have these little monsters attacking us, what are we to do with them?
- Stand on Scripture. There is no battle that can't be won with the Word of God. Hebrews 4:12 reminds us God's word is living and active, powerful and sharp, and it produces right judgement.
- Talk to a pastor or close Christian confidant. James 5 tells us if you're in trouble confess your sins to each other and pray for one another to be healed.
We all go through difficult times, some of us more than others. But if we keep our doubts and concerns bottled up inside, never sharing them with others, they will lead to sin.
A friend of mine shared a story with me about a couple who were once active and vital members of our church. They were deacons, gave every appearance of loving the Lord and then one day just stopped coming. When people called to tell them they were missed, they responded that they no longer believed. How does that happen? My guess would be that they never spoke to anyone about whatever doubts they were having. They just kept it to themselves, probably feeding off of each other to a point where they just determined faith was fruitless.
Let's not let ourselves get to that place. If you're experiencing doubts today, or if the enemy is blasting his fiery darts from both barrels at you, remember he's the author of all lies and does not have your best interests at heart. He wants to take you down - to the depths of hell with him.
God wants to hear you cry out and seek His wisdom and comfort. He knows your heart before you even speak a word but He wants you to bring your troubles to Him. He has surrounded you with Christians who can offer wisdom and direction in wise counsel. Confess, hear the word of God, pray and move on.
My eyes grow weak with sorrow; they fail because of all my foes.
If your eyes fail to see the word of God because of the many enemies Satan has enlisted to besiege you, don't wait another minute to seek help.
Heavenly Father, O how merciful You are. You know our hearts like no one else, You know all our doubts and fears. We bring them before You this morning, acknowledging they are from the evil one and that they have no power over us. We claim Your power in the sweet name of Jesus to dispel these wicked thoughts and open our hearts to Your blessing of wisdom. Show us who to turn to with our concerns, that will hear without judging, that will use the Sword of the Spirit to guide us back to the path of righteousness, and who will love us with the heart of Christ. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.