
Because God Cares

FaithWalkDaily November 8, 2008

While I continue to walk in faith daily, I haven't been able to journal as I'd like due to personal conflicts in my life at the present time.

When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. ~ Isaiah 43:2

Conflict is putting it mildly. Total chaos might be a closer description.

There have been times in my life when "cobwebs" have cluttered my mind and things were difficult because of diminished mental capacity. These "cobwebs" were caused by anything from excessive use of alcohol, to prescription medications, to emotional turmoil over issues I've had to deal with.

There have been times in my life when the interference of physical difficulties have blocked my way, ranging from bad relationships, to financial problems, to moves, and medical limitations.

Now I'm dealing with a combination of mental and emotional turmoil along with many physical obstructions that create a tension and frustration ultimately manifesting in my soul as anxiety. It feels like deep waters. Like there's not enough oxygen and I'm suffocating. Like the walls are closing in on me. As though, like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, I've been cast into the fiery furnace.

What great comfort I find in the words of Isaiah. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. It only feels like I can't breathe!

I know God is faithful and just. If He says He's in this deep water with me, I can rest assured he's got a full tank and a working regulator. If He says I won't drown, I'll take that breath from His mouthpiece and suck deeply of the air He's provided. If He says I can walk through this fire without being consumed, I may feel the burns for awhile, but I believe Him that I will survive - I won't be burned up.

In the end, it all boils down to trust.

Abraham trusted God when he put his son on that altar, piled up the wood underneath and prepared to drive a blade into his heart. He was ready to do anything God asked Him and in the end, the Lord provided a flawless ram for the sacrifice, sparing his son.

Noah trusted God even though everyone laughed at him. He built the Ark and did everything He was told, according to God's instructions. As a result, he and his family were saved.

Esther trusted God in reaching out to her husband, the Persian King Xerxes, who could have had her killed for daring to approach him. But obediently, she did as she was told and her people were saved.

Mary trusted God when she conceded as a 13 year old virgin girl, to receive the Spirit of God into her womb, bearing Christ Jesus according to the will of the Father.

Men and women throughout Scripture have trusted God in His sovereign ways. I know that whatever I go through, like Moses, Abraham, Sarah, Noah, Esther, Mary and many others, God will walk with me through every trial. He walks with me now. He encourages me with His word. He inspires the words of hope that flow from my fingertips.

When I go through deep waters, He will be with me. When I go through rivers of difficulty, I will not drown. When I walk through the fire of oppression, I will not be burned up; the flames will not consume me. For He is my God, holy and just, loving and merciful.

Thank You Lord, that when it all seems to close in on me and I'm sure I can't take another breath, You remind me of all those who have gone before me, who have trusted and obeyed, and who ultimately reaped Your blessings. You kept them from drowning and did not allow them to be consumed. I put all my trust and faith in You alone God, knowing You have it all under control. In Jesus' name, amen.