
Depending on God

FaithWalkDaily September 13, 2008

The Lord is good to those who depend on him, to those who search for him.
~ Lamentations 3:25, NLT

Through a series of tramatic events in my life, I began searching for God very early on. I didn't meet and embrace His love until I was almost 40 but I was on a lifelong quest for truth.

As I look back over my life, I can see so many instances where God was good to me, where God protected me, where God blessed me - well before I was a Christian, where God honored my desire to know Him even when I was on the wrong path.

As an infant, I nearly died and was saved, by of all people, my angry alcoholic father. As a teenager, I got into drugs and alcohol and hitchhiked all over the country. Several times I was saved from rape and possibly worse. As an adult, I drove under the influence of alcohol more times than I care to admit and was never in an accident. I was blessed with people who helped me throughout my life, with jobs I wasn't qualified for, with opportunites I didn't deserve.

He waited patiently for me while I explored mysticism, Buddhism, European Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Scientology, knowing that each time I prayed earnestly, "God, how can I know You?" somewhere deep inside through the muffler of my own life's noise, I heard that still small voice that said, "keep looking, keep seeking, keep going."

Conversely, family members who hated God or denied Him because of the trauma in our lives have suffered in many ways and have not received the blessings and protection of the Lord.

What I know beyond any hint of doubt, is that He is good to me, even when I'm in the Refiner's fire. Paul tells us He promises to work it all out for our good in Romans 8.

Some days my well just feels empty. Some days the work is hard. Some days my noise blocks His wisdom. Some days the road is full of potholes. But every day the Lord is good to me. I know that as I seek Him, He will fill me up, ease the task, quiet the noise, smooth the way and sustain me with His strength, power, love and mercy.

Lord Jehovah-Jireh, how marvelous are Your ways, how perfectly you provide; You are faithful, You are good. Thank You for patiently waiting on us as we seek You. Open my eyes today Father, reveal Yourself so that I might glorify You in all I do and say in accordance with Your plans. In Jesus' name, amen.