
Mustard Seed Faith

FaithWalkDaily 9/11/2008

I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry.
~ Psalm 40:1

Yesterday started off headache free for the first time in days. After some prayer and meditation on K-Love's Encouraging Word, I thought it was going to be a wonderful day.

Then the enemy crept in while I was all puffed up and shattered my world. In one fell blow, with my defenses down, he bowled me over in an instant. I found myself flattened, on the phone with my husband who gave me terrible news. After hanging up, I tried to pray but I felt nothing but anger, fear and complete loss of control. I sat sobbing, wondering what to do.

Beside myself and unable to move or pray, I started calling friends I know who are strong prayer warriors. No one answered their phones so I began screaming at God, "HELP! HELP ME GOD, Where are you when I need You? Why do You hear everyone else's prayers and not mine? Why do You bless everyone else and not us? What have we done that keeps You from hearing our prayers? I want to serve You, want to be obedient. So if I'm doing something wrong, show me Lord, Help me!!"

After a few unanswered calls, I got my church directory and opened it and the first name my eyes rested on is a woman of deep faith. I called and poured out my heart to her. She immediately prayed for us, for our situation and for the other person involved. Her specific prayer was for these two men to resolve the problem as good Christians, in peace. She also prayed something like, "Lord, You have said we can move mountains with just the faith of a mustard seed. As small as our faith is, we know You're in control and that You can make this situation right for everyone concerned."

Through my sobs, I told my friend that I didn't think I even had the faith of a mustard seed anymore. She responded to the effect that the very fact that I had called, that I had reached out to others for prayer in my time of need, proved my faith. A simple but profound statement - words straight from the heart of the Holy Spirit. God poured a healing salve into my wounded soul through her wisdom.

Before she was even finished praying, my husband called on my cell phone to tell me this man had apologized and they had resolved the issue to everyone's satisfaction.

I don't always wait patiently. Sometimes I'm flat out kinetic - pacing, ranting, raving, crying. Perhaps that's as patient as I can be. God created me this way. He knows my heart, my needs, my abilities. Despite my lack of serenity, and inability to sit still, He has abundant patience. He turns to me in my time of need and hears my cry.

O Holy God, thank You for Your patience when I have none, thank You for Your mercy when I am far from You, thank You for providing for my every need though my faith is so small. You are marvelous and majestic, all powerful and all knowing, yet You attend to me as a gentle Shepherd takes care of the lamb gone astray. You have far greater things to attend to, yet no prayer goes unheard. You draw me into Your presence and guide me according to Your perfect plans. Protect me from the enemy - ever lurking, ever patient - just waiting to devour me. You etch Your word upon my heart for times when I can't think clearly, and the Holy Spirit brings them to mind to thwart the devil's attacks, when he taunts me with his lies. Thank You Lord Jesus, that You have paid the price for my sins, that You have made a way for me to bring my petitions before the Father. Thank You my Savior, my Redeemer, my Rescuer. Guide us through this day, with constant reminders, that You are Soverein God. In Jesus' name, amen.