
Harder Than I Thought

FaithWalkDaily September 26, 2008

2 Cor 11:28 Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches. NIV Please read all of chapter 11.

I'm a writer by nature. Writing comes with little effort for me. I find it easier to write than to talk. That's not to say I really love writing, more that I'm driven. Most of the time I write when I feel like it, I'm compelled. I'm not forced to do this.

I decided to share my thoughts in writing with the world, whoever should chance to read them. It seemed that perhaps the Holy Spirit had promted this venture and if that's the case, it's not about what I want to do but what I must do. And I decided at the time that I should blog daily for continuity, create a day to day devotional using Scripture. I've always got a fresh flow of thoughts pouring out of my head and I love God's word so it seemed at the time it would be easy. It isn't. A commitment to anything requires obedience. Having already missed a number of days, I always feel badly that I've failed to stay on track.

As I was reading 2 Corinthians 11 just now and reflecting on the many times Paul talks about his struggles, I realize we're not so very different. Did he really love spending all that time writing to the churches (with a quill pen and ink, not a fancy computer keyboard?) Or visiting them to preach (walking, taking long tumultuous trips in sailing ships, perhaps a few uncomfortable camel and donkey rides along the way?) It probably seemed like great fun in the beginning. Gee, I'll get to travel, see new places, make new friends...

...Be locked up in prison for the faith...

When we're asked to do something, or are told by our boss to get a job done, we do it for them. But when the Holy Spirit asks you to do something, it's usually much harder and requires a deep level of self discipline. I'm so grateful to read of Paul's struggles and perseverence. I'm not alone! No matter how weary or discouraged I become, I can always get back on the road.

What does Holy Spirit prompt you to do that you've been procrastinating or ignoring? Be still, listen to that voice in your heart. God will speak to you if you're willing to listen. Ask Him, by the power of Jesus in you, for the strength and boldness to be obedient.

Are we daily concerned for the body of Christ? Are we moving according to God's Spirit in those concerns?

Heavenly Father, we are humbled as always, by Your power and presence. You are amazing God - the One who created everything in existence also cares for every person on earth who has not heard the gospel. Your word tells us it's not Your desire that any should perish but for all to have the knowledge of Your saving grace. You are patient beyond measure to wait until we get off our laurels and go according to Your will. Lord, would we be especially attentive today to hear Your voice. Would You grant us the strength and boldness to go as prompted, to utter Your words, to glorify You. May we be the light of Jesus today in this dark world. In His precious name we pray, amen.