How Deep the Savior's Love
FaithWalkDaily December 29, 2008
For all have sinned; all fall short of God's glorious standard. Yet now God in his gracious kindness declares us not guilty. He has done this through Christ Jesus, who has freed us by taking away our sins. For God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy God's anger against us. ~ Rom 3:23-25 NLT
As another year draws to a close, I've been thinking a lot about my life and my attitude.
A few weeks ago I was on the phone with a friend as our cat Nani Ui moseyed by. I reached down and scratched her head and neck, rather mindlessly as I was chatting with my friend.
Nani is a Bombay with the nature of a Panther. While she can be sweet and loving, she is not a particularly affectionate cat and is quick to let us know when she's had enough. There is always a warning before an attack. Having been scratched a fair number of times, we're wise to her ways.
On this particular day, I was distracted. Nani had reached her limit and had no doubt given me fair warning, which I missed. The next thing I knew, the Tasmanian Devil wrapped itself around my arm and then darted off like Ricochet Rabbit, leaving me bleeding. The bite swelled, turned an angry red, and throbbed all day. Later that afternoon I found myself in urgent care with IV antibiotics dripping in my arm. I was sent home with my arm immobilized, an IV catheter in my vein for a follow up dose, and a bottle of mega caplets.
All the way home I replayed the incident in my head. How can that cat attack me when we give her so much love and care? We adopted her at eight months when she was very ill and listless, and nursed her to good health. She's shown signs of previous abuse, is extremely skittish and terrified of going outdoors. We've been kind and loving to her despite her wild behavior. My sons and others have asked me, why do you keep such an evil cat?
Nani is not evil. Neither are we. We are sinners. We all fall short of the glory of God. We get up, we fall down. We get up, we fall down. Nani is not a hateful or wicked cat. She is who she is. Her nature is wild and it's up to me to be on guard. She reacts according to her God-given nature. And when she snaps, we don't beat her or throw her out. We hold her, stroke her and calm her, letting her know we love her no matter what she does. Are we reinforcing her bad behavior? No. We're reassuring her that no matter how scared or agitated she is, we're not going to turn away from her and stop loving her.
Because of that first act of rebellion in Eden, we're damaged goods. Wild and skittish, showing signs of abuse, we strike out. We all turn on God sometimes when things don't go our way. I can't even count the number of times I've screamed at God when I felt He'd abandoned me. In the quiet of my heart He's always reminded me, "I haven't turned away from you. I will never leave nor forsake you (Heb. 13:5.) I do not change the rules or strike out at you. I AM GOD." He holds me tight in His love reminding me, whatever I do, He's here for me. He wants me to love and serve Him only, and will wait as long as it takes.
"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." ~ Matt 28:20 NIV
The scar on my wrist will probably be there forever, a reminder of who I am and how much God loves me. I haven't given up on Nani. We'll keep her, love her and care for all her needs until she's old and dies. You don't give up on loved ones just because they don't respond or react as you think they should. Love is unconditional. That even spills over to what others think is an unlovable creature.
I am an unlovable creature in my sin. Praise God He doesn't drop me off at the "animal shelter" when I deserve it! When I fall down, He gently reaches out and pulls me up into His loving care.
Lord God, how merciful You are. You, who could wipe us out with a word, choose instead to wait for us to come to our senses. You know our hearts and desires and that we long to be righteous and holy even as Jesus is righteous and holy. Yet our sin continues to get in the way. We resolve to keep our eyes on You, to seek You, to serve You, our loving Father. Thank You for holding us tight when we're out of control, for never giving up on us. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
May the LORD bless you and protect you.
May the LORD smile on you and be gracious to you.
May the LORD show you his favor and give you his peace. Num 6:24-26
In the love of our Savior,
anne & ruth
A Christmas Blessing for all the World
Jesus is the Reason

I was sent an email with the following list and thought I'd share it today. I didn't write it but it couldn't be more succinct - we all need to remember, especially when times are hard, that our Savior, not Santa, is all we need.
Scripture references were added by me to authenticate the statements.
Why Jesus is Better Than Santa Claus
By Rev. James Spellman of Ohio
*Santa lives at the North Pole... JESUS is everywhere.
Prov 15:3 The LORD is watching everywhere, keeping his eye on both the evil and the good.
*Santa rides in a sleigh... JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.
Deut 33:26 "There is no one like the God of Israel. He rides across the heavens to help you,across the skies in majestic splendor.
John 6:19 They were three or four miles out when suddenly they saw Jesus walking on the water toward the boat.
*Santa comes but once a year... JESUS is an ever present help.
Ps 34:17 The LORD hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles.
*Santa fills your stockings with goodies... JESUS supplies all your needs.
1 Tim 6:17 But their trust should be in the living God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment.
*You have to wait in line to see Santa... JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.
John 15:16 You didn't choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce fruit that will last, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name.
*Santa lets you sit on his lap... JESUS lets you rest in His arms.
Heb 4:10 For all who enter into God's rest will find rest from their labors...
*Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is "Hi little boy or girl, what's your name?"... JESUS knew our name before we did. Not only does He know our name, He knows our address too. He knows our history and future and He even knows how many hairs are on our head.
Jer 1:4-5 The LORD gave me a message. He said, 5 "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Matt 10:30- And the very hairs on your head are all numbered.
*Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly... JESUS has a heart full of love.
Rev 3:9 They will acknowledge that you are the ones I love.
*All Santa can offer is HO HO HO... JESUS offers health, help and hope.
Matt 8:13 Then Jesus said to the Roman officer, "Go on home. What you have believed has happened." And the young servant was healed that same hour.
Ps 54:4 But God is my helper.The Lord is the one who keeps me alive!
1 Tim 4:10b ...hope is in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and particularly of those who believe.
*Santa says "You better not cry"... JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you."
1 Peter 5:7
*Santa's little helpers make toys... JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions.
Titus 3:5 He saved us, not because of the good things we did, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins and gave us a new life through the Holy Spirit.
John 14:27 "I am leaving you with a gift — peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn't like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid.
John 14:1-2 "Don't be troubled. You trust God, now trust in me. 2 There are many rooms in my Father's home, and I am going to prepare a place for you. If this were not so, I would tell you plainly.
*Santa may make you chuckle but...JESUS gives you a joy that is your strength.
2 Tim 4:17 But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength, that I might preach the Good News in all its fullness for all the Gentiles to hear. And he saved me from certain death.
*While Santa puts gifts under your tree... JESUS became our gift and died on the tree.
John 10:11 "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
Its obvious there is really no comparison! Jesus is still the reason for the season.
Yes, Jesus is better, he is even better than Santa Claus.
Faith When Reason Fails
FaithWalkDaily December 9, 2008
It's been awhile since I've done any journaling. Writing helps me see where I am, where I've been and where I'm going. I haven't been getting much of anywhere lately. In fact, it feels a little like sliding backwards...
I've been asking often recently, "am I being tested?" If so, I'm not scoring so well. I'm not Job. Sometimes it feels like I'm going insane, like I can't hold up under the pressure. Except - laugh with me now - I am holding up. By a thread woven and held by the hand of God.
A friend was out of work for about six months a couple months ago. They were on the brink of losing their home and had cut out many unnecessary expenses. Then he landed what appeared to be his dream job. All was well. Until a few days ago when he was laid off.
A few months ago, another friend suddenly lost her husband for no apparent reason - he just keeled over and died at the ripe young age of forty-something.
Last year a friend's mother who was in her sixties went beserk. She left home, went on an insane spending spree, stayed in hotels, ate in restaurants, maxed out all her credit cards and nearly bankrupt her husband. Then she died suddenly.
I could go on and on with a list of seemingly senseless tragedies occurring within the Christian community. Are we being tested? How are we doing?
Let's look at Biblical history. Throughout the Old Testament, we see Israel tested again and again. Job was tested. In Luke 8, Jesus talked about the parable of the sower as He told the people to expect their new faith to be tested. Paul warns in Hebrews 3 not to have hardened hearts during testing as the Israelites did in the time of Moses. And James said, "...the testing of your faith develops perseverance." (James 1:3)
James gives us a reason. God tests our faith to develop perseverence.
But why?
Good question. I've come to believe that we need to go to heaven for the answer. We need to look to the time before man was even created. Consider the one who spoiled it all for us.
Lucifer, the bright and beautiful, the beloved of God, angel among angels, brilliant among all the heavenly host. So brilliant in fact, it went to his head. He suddenly found himself admired among his peers and desiring to be worshipped as he had always worshipped God. He aspired to be more beloved than God. It was his last desire before he was cast out of heaven. He got a new job - tormenting us and trying to lead us away from God.
For these times when reason doesn't make sense to me, I can only trust that it makes sense to God, that He's in control and that in the end, all will be well. When reason fails, God never does.
Ps 33:4
4 For the word of the LORD holds true,and everything he does is worthy of our trust.
Lord I submit all my fears and doubts, confusion and hurt, to the foot of the cross. All my trust is in you. Thank You for always giving us the grace to stumble and fumble our way through life, always there to pick us up and set us straight again. In Jesus' name, amen.

I've been asking often recently, "am I being tested?" If so, I'm not scoring so well. I'm not Job. Sometimes it feels like I'm going insane, like I can't hold up under the pressure. Except - laugh with me now - I am holding up. By a thread woven and held by the hand of God.
A friend was out of work for about six months a couple months ago. They were on the brink of losing their home and had cut out many unnecessary expenses. Then he landed what appeared to be his dream job. All was well. Until a few days ago when he was laid off.
A few months ago, another friend suddenly lost her husband for no apparent reason - he just keeled over and died at the ripe young age of forty-something.
Last year a friend's mother who was in her sixties went beserk. She left home, went on an insane spending spree, stayed in hotels, ate in restaurants, maxed out all her credit cards and nearly bankrupt her husband. Then she died suddenly.
I could go on and on with a list of seemingly senseless tragedies occurring within the Christian community. Are we being tested? How are we doing?
Let's look at Biblical history. Throughout the Old Testament, we see Israel tested again and again. Job was tested. In Luke 8, Jesus talked about the parable of the sower as He told the people to expect their new faith to be tested. Paul warns in Hebrews 3 not to have hardened hearts during testing as the Israelites did in the time of Moses. And James said, "...the testing of your faith develops perseverance." (James 1:3)
James gives us a reason. God tests our faith to develop perseverence.
But why?
Good question. I've come to believe that we need to go to heaven for the answer. We need to look to the time before man was even created. Consider the one who spoiled it all for us.
Lucifer, the bright and beautiful, the beloved of God, angel among angels, brilliant among all the heavenly host. So brilliant in fact, it went to his head. He suddenly found himself admired among his peers and desiring to be worshipped as he had always worshipped God. He aspired to be more beloved than God. It was his last desire before he was cast out of heaven. He got a new job - tormenting us and trying to lead us away from God.
For these times when reason doesn't make sense to me, I can only trust that it makes sense to God, that He's in control and that in the end, all will be well. When reason fails, God never does.
Ps 33:4
4 For the word of the LORD holds true,and everything he does is worthy of our trust.
Lord I submit all my fears and doubts, confusion and hurt, to the foot of the cross. All my trust is in you. Thank You for always giving us the grace to stumble and fumble our way through life, always there to pick us up and set us straight again. In Jesus' name, amen.
Do Real Christians Commit Suicide?
FaithWalkDaily November 26, 2008
Yesterday I was reading a forum from a loving group of Christians in Idaho. One comment hit me like a punch in the gut, "*Bob committed suicide last night, please pray for him." (*The name has been changed to protect privacy.)
I had to back-track up the column of posts to see what kind of "conversation" had taken place with Bob, to see if there was any clue to his depression. He had indeed asked for guidance as he had come to faith just a couple years prior and was under spiritual attack.
I can tell you from personal experience, spiritual warfare is real and common. When one gives their life over to Christ, initially they may experience a kind of euphoria similar to what newlyweds feel. You don't see your spouses warts and foibles until you've been married for some time. The process is gradual as the lovers' facades eventually fade away. No honeymoon lasts forever as reality sets in sooner or later. The high of new faith also dwindles. Faith, like love, after all, is not a feeling, but an action.
By the grace of Christ, I'm transformed, but life on planet earth is still insane, with a hungry wolf on the prowl for defenseless lonely lambs.
When a Christian dives into the Bible and begins to grow deep roots of faith, Satan sits up and takes notice. The enemy goes for the throat to spiritually strangle a man's faith. I believe God allows this, based on the testament of Job and the lives of David and others.
Satan's offensive tests both the new believer and those in their faith community.
Something went terribly wrong for Bob. I don't know whether he failed to communicate the intensity of his struggles or if the body of Christ simply didn't think it was anything to be concerned about. But it wrenched my gut to read that line, "Bob committed suicide last night, pray for him."
It also struck me as imprudent that the girl would write, without thinking it through, "pray for him." Sorry folks, he's dead, there's nothing to pray for. It's over.
The people we need to pray for are family and friends left behind who wonder how they could have missed seeing the depth of Bob's despair, asking themselves over and over, "how could I..."
So where's Bob now? Well, I'm no theological genius but I do spend a good amount of time studying the Bible and have an inkling about God's heart. He's a loving, merciful Father. He cares for us. Peter said, "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." (1 Peter 5:6-7) Humble yourself; call on God; God cares.
Aw, what did Peter know? Well. this guy denied Christ three times just as Jesus said he would. Out of fear, Pete told the enemies of Jesus he didn't know Him. His denial of Christ was certainly not Peter's first mistake nor was it his last. (John 18)
If I'd walked in the presence of God Almighty Himself and someone asked me "do you know this Man?" denying Him just doesn't make sense to me. But I didn't walk in Pete's shoes and I don't know what Bob's family and friends experienced as he plummeted in a downward spiral that ended in self-destruction. We have a human tendency to make light of the serious, to keep our distance from anything too emotional, to placate someone in trouble. Fortunately for us, God isn't like that. Those are Satan's tactics - apathy, shallowness, sarcasm, fear, ignorance, denial...
Let's face it, God could strike us down at any moment because He's God. With all the sick and crazy things that go on in this world you'd think He would. But He doesn't because He loves us. Why? You'll have to ask Him that. Personally, I'm not that nice - I'd have wiped us all off the face of the planet a long time ago. We're a bunch of ungrateful, selfish, filthy pigs who have not properly cared for this beautiful planet or one another. We don't deserve what we've been given. If we got what we deserved, we'd all be dead and in hell forever. Aren't we all glad I'm not God? Forgive me, I digress.
Back to the point. Jesus called Peter a Rock, (Matthew 16) which means he designated him unmovable, dependable, permanent. The whole Christian church was based on what Jesus taught Peter and commissioned him to share. Forgiveness is definitely in the picture here.
So what do we know about God? He created us, He loves us, He knows we're dirt bags and not worthy of the soil under our feet and He forgives us.
Wow, I ask again, where do you think Bob is now? Bob gave his life to Christ a couple years ago. He is a child of God. You can't take that away, no matter what. You can't say there wasn't fruit so he wasn't really a Christian. He was giving his best in faith. Just like Peter fearing for his life, when he was troubled and hurting, Bob faltered. He reached out for help but something went amiss. I am certain that despite his sin, Bob is in the arms of our Savior right now.
I heard a similar story when I attended a Christian women's leadership conference recently. A woman who was loved and nurtured by a Christian congregation after she got saved somehow hit a bottom no one saw coming. She committed suicide. Everyone asked, "how could I..."
Real Christians do commit suicide. Just like real Christians commit many other sins like adultery, fornication, lying, stealing...We all fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)
I'm NOT saying suicide is acceptable any more than adultery. It is NEVER acceptable. It's a tragedy of epic proportions. The one thing that has always kept me from ending my own life when the devil tells me I'm no good, is to think of my husband, sons and friends and what it would do to them. I don't want them living the rest of their lives asking that question, "how could I..."
Pain is a reality, whether emotional or physical. It's not an option. Every human being suffers certain pain at some point or points in our lives. We can't say to God, "hey, I didn't sign up for the agony portion of this existence so can we just skip this part?" We don't get to choose our trials. We do get to choose how we handle them.
Prayer works for me. It keeps me sane and it keeps me alive. It keeps me thinking of others. Perhaps it is just a wee bit selfish...Hm, I'll have to ponder that a bit. Next blog maybe...
Heavenly Father, how we praise You that You are God and I am not! You are the God of mercy, love and hope. We don't understand a lot of things about his crazy world Lord, but we thank You for Jesus, that You sent that part of You that created the world into this world, to walk among us and experience our pain. In that process, You suffered beyond our imagining and died a death that we deserved so our sins could be covered. Thank You! Thank You that You are faithful to keep Your promises, that You will continue the work You've begun in each of us for Your purposes and glory. We may not understand pain, but we accept it as the refining fire that will enrich our lives, strengthen and temper us, and create that mirror shine which reflects Your image in each of us. Grant us the courage to face each day with the grace of Christ in the same way He faced the torture and death we so deserved. In Jesus' holy name we pray, amen.
FaithWalkDaily November 24, 2008
To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. 8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. 9 But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Cor 12:7-10
It has been quite a few days since I've written here. The reason is pain. Chronic, unrelenting, debilitating pain.
Please don't think I'm looking for pity. On the contrary, like our teacher Paul, I count it a blessing that God would entrust this thing to me for my strength is not in this human body, but in my Savior Jesus. My time on earth is short in the greater scheme of things
I'm writing today for those who don't understand this kind of thinking, who might think me perhaps some sort of twisted masochist. Believe me, I'm no lover of pain.
Have you stumbled onto this blog "by accident" while searching for information on releif from Chronic Pain?
Not all people who find peace living with impairments, whether emotional or physical, are necessarily people of faith. But all people who choose to rise above their pain and disability necessarily affect other people in positive ways. Let's look at just a few.
Terry Fox - born in 1958 and now deceased, discovered he had malignant tumor in his right leg in 1977. The leg was amputated six inches above the knee. In 1979 he begin training for his Marathon of Hope, a cross-Canada run to raise money for cancer research. During his training he ran 3000 miles. In 1980 he ran an average of 26 miles per day. After 143 days and 3339 miles he had to stop because the cancer had spread to his lungs. In September 1980 he became the youngest companion of the Order of Canada in a special ceremony in his hometown of Por Coquittan, B.C. In 1981 Terry's dream of raising $1.00 from every Canadian to fight cancer became a reality. September 1981 marked the First Annual Terry Fox Run.
Did Terry change lives by choosing to rise above his circumstances? Did he gain strength from his thorn?
Robert Kerrey, born in 1943 and still living, is a former Senator and Governor from Nebraska. He is a decorated veteran of the Vietnam War where he lost his right leg in combat. As an entrepreneur he developed Grandmother’s Restaurant and several sports and fitness enterprises, where many have found employment and enrichment.
How many lives has he touched as a result of choosing to look forward rather than feeling sorry for himself about the past?
Joni Erickson Tada is the founder of Joni and Friends, an organization which accelerates Christian ministry in the disability community.
A diving accident when she was a teenager in 1967 left Joni a quadriplegic in a wheelchair, unable to use her hands. After two years of rehabilitation, Joni re-entered the community with new skills and a fresh determination to help others in similar situations. “My church made a huge difference in my family’s life as they demonstrated the love of God in practical ways,” says Joni.
Mrs. Tada wrote of her experiences in her international best-selling biography, Joni. Her name is now recognized in countries around the world following the distribution in many languages of her biography and the full-length feature film JONI. She has personally visited over 41 countries.
Do you think Joni has encouraged a few people in her disability?
Paul was one of the greatest teachers and transmitter's of the gospel of his time. He doesn't tell us his specific struggle. Was he bipolar? Did he have a painful physical ailment like arthritis? Perhaps, some have suggested, it was epilepsy. Or it might simply have been a leaning toward a particular sin that plagued him. It's theorized there's no clear definition by design because God wanted all who are afflicted, whether by lust, disease or emotional suffering to relate to what the Apostle is telling us. No matter our thorn, we can overcome. In our weakness is strength.
Can you beleive that?
When we share ourselves with others in an encouraging way, we become stronger in the process as we help someone else. It's a natural result of sowing and reaping. In passing the message of Scripture on to another, I'm reminded of my strength in Christ.
Heavenly Father, Your grace is sufficient. We need nothing more than to rest in Your care, knowing that whatever afflicts us will be used for Your purposes, perhaps even to save another. When the enemy strikes at our weakest point, we find our strength in Christ. In the name of Jesus, amen.
Trust in God for Confidence
FaithWalkDaily Novemer 12, 2008
KLOVE's Encouraging Word
Tuesday 11/11/2008
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. ~ Romans 15:13, NLT
Do we trust God?
Do we really trust God?
I've put these long spaces in this blog because I'm hoping it will encourage you to meditate on that thought, on the verse above.
I don't write these blogs because I'm such a spiritual giant that I can pour out my righteous messages for everyone else to be transformed into godly people. No, I journal my thoughts because just like most of you, I struggle daily with trusting God.
I can see my computer. I can feel the keys beneath my fingertips. I can surf the web for whatever I want. It can take me to places that are good, wholsome and holy, and it can take me to places that are full of darkness, madness, deceit, and evil. I know what my laptop is capable of. I use this piece of equipment every single day and I depend on it. I use it for ministry, to find information, for business, for art, communication, writing...For the most part, I can trust that this little machine will boot up every day and help me accomplish some things. It is good to me.
God I cannot see. How can I put my trust in something or someone I cannot touch? I cannot caress His glorious face. I cannot bow at His physical feet to worship Him. I cannot hear His voice nor feel his breath.
Or can I?
Where is my Lord here on this earth? He is in the brilliance of a painted sky at sunset. He is in the shimmering rocks splashed with icy waters in a rushing mountain creek. He is in the fresh clear water that quenches my thirst. He is in the air I breathe. He is in the food that nourishes me. He is in my soul. I can feel him in the sweet touch of a child's fingers toying with my hair. I can bow at His feet with my heart when I fall to my knees in praise and worship. I hear Him in the stillness of my heart when I sit quietly and meditate on His word. I can feel his holy breath on my neck in a soft summer breeze. God's presence is all around us all the time. He created our planet: all that dwells on it; all that nourishes it; all that feeds us; all that refreshes us; those that minister to us, and the fellowship we share.
This is not a new-agey concept of god in everything. This is the Scriptural concept of Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent God. The defining perspective here is omni, meaning universal. All covering. All encompassing.
So if we can wrap our minds around the fact that we're created, that we were created by the power that created EVERYTHING, isn't that cause to believe He can pretty much do whatever He wants? Any presence so great certainly has the eternal span spoken of in Scripture - Alpha and Omega - and the wisdom to know what to do with all He's created. The problem is not His lack of ability to control that which He created, the problem is us. It's our lack of obedience and trust.
We don't obey because we don't trust. If we trust, however God leads us, we will obey.
Sarah takes her 4 year old Jason to preschool for the first time. She points to a room and tells Jason to go in. He's afraid. He doesn't know what's in that room. He's never been there before. Sarah knows. She's toured the facility, met the teachers and is quite confident this is a safe and healthy place for her son to be. He will mature here, make new friends, learn new things, and find lots of joy in this place. But all Jason sees is a closed door to a room he's never been in. He's afraid to go in. She gives him a little nudge and he resists. She takes his hand and leads him to the door and opens it. Jason pulls back and digs his heels in. Inside the teacher waits, smiling, speaking words of welcome. Other children turn to look in curiosity. He's still resisting tearfully. He doesn't know these people and he's determined not to go in. Jason trusts his mom because he knows her. So finally, though hesitantly, he enters the room with a sniffle and gratefully accepts a hug from Mommy. "Good boy, Jason. Mommy's proud of you! See you soon," she says as she turns to go.
Aren't we a bit like little Jason when it comes to God? We know Him. Of course we do - He created us. We read His word every day. We believe it because He says it. But when we get to that door, aren't we too afraid to go into the unknown?
How do we get to the point of trusting Him - not just reading the words and believing intellectually, but believing in our hearts that He is who He says He is and will do what He says He will do? How do we step into the unknown fully trusting God's sovereignty?
Part of that is the work of the Holy Spirit. The rest is history. We read the Old Testament and see what God has done. We see what God says He will do. We see that what God said about saving His people was true as Jesus life was fulfilled. And because all that verifies the truth of His word, we can believe that Jesus will indeed return for us just as He said He would. We can believe intellectually, and the Holy Spirit confirmed it in our hearts when we came into Christ in faith. We trusted Jesus by the nudge of the Holy Spirit, Sent from our Father who created us.
God is the source of hope. When we trust Him, peace and joy are the side effects. May we overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit, as You lead us to that place where You send us out on our own, fill us with that peace which we find in God who is our hope. Would that become our confident hope through Your Spirit, to go forth in the work for which You've already planned for us in advance. Today I'm making a decision to fully trust in You, no matter what. In Jesus' name, amen.
Thoughts on our Nation
Because God Cares
FaithWalkDaily November 8, 2008
While I continue to walk in faith daily, I haven't been able to journal as I'd like due to personal conflicts in my life at the present time.
When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. ~ Isaiah 43:2
Conflict is putting it mildly. Total chaos might be a closer description.
There have been times in my life when "cobwebs" have cluttered my mind and things were difficult because of diminished mental capacity. These "cobwebs" were caused by anything from excessive use of alcohol, to prescription medications, to emotional turmoil over issues I've had to deal with.
There have been times in my life when the interference of physical difficulties have blocked my way, ranging from bad relationships, to financial problems, to moves, and medical limitations.
Now I'm dealing with a combination of mental and emotional turmoil along with many physical obstructions that create a tension and frustration ultimately manifesting in my soul as anxiety. It feels like deep waters. Like there's not enough oxygen and I'm suffocating. Like the walls are closing in on me. As though, like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, I've been cast into the fiery furnace.
What great comfort I find in the words of Isaiah. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. It only feels like I can't breathe!
I know God is faithful and just. If He says He's in this deep water with me, I can rest assured he's got a full tank and a working regulator. If He says I won't drown, I'll take that breath from His mouthpiece and suck deeply of the air He's provided. If He says I can walk through this fire without being consumed, I may feel the burns for awhile, but I believe Him that I will survive - I won't be burned up.
In the end, it all boils down to trust.
Abraham trusted God when he put his son on that altar, piled up the wood underneath and prepared to drive a blade into his heart. He was ready to do anything God asked Him and in the end, the Lord provided a flawless ram for the sacrifice, sparing his son.
Noah trusted God even though everyone laughed at him. He built the Ark and did everything He was told, according to God's instructions. As a result, he and his family were saved.
Esther trusted God in reaching out to her husband, the Persian King Xerxes, who could have had her killed for daring to approach him. But obediently, she did as she was told and her people were saved.
Mary trusted God when she conceded as a 13 year old virgin girl, to receive the Spirit of God into her womb, bearing Christ Jesus according to the will of the Father.
Men and women throughout Scripture have trusted God in His sovereign ways. I know that whatever I go through, like Moses, Abraham, Sarah, Noah, Esther, Mary and many others, God will walk with me through every trial. He walks with me now. He encourages me with His word. He inspires the words of hope that flow from my fingertips.
When I go through deep waters, He will be with me. When I go through rivers of difficulty, I will not drown. When I walk through the fire of oppression, I will not be burned up; the flames will not consume me. For He is my God, holy and just, loving and merciful.
Thank You Lord, that when it all seems to close in on me and I'm sure I can't take another breath, You remind me of all those who have gone before me, who have trusted and obeyed, and who ultimately reaped Your blessings. You kept them from drowning and did not allow them to be consumed. I put all my trust and faith in You alone God, knowing You have it all under control. In Jesus' name, amen.
Which One is Right? Continued Discussion...
FaithWalkDaily October 29, 2008
Since I started down this path on Friday and promised to take it up again. Here we are.
We were discussing the church, and what that really means. Where are we to worship, fellowship, minister, and share the good news of salvation by faith through grace?
My last question on Friday was concerning the reckoning of Peter as the "Rock" upon which the foundation of the church was built. Let's look at that a little closer.
In the words of Jesus our Lord, from Matthew's account in chapter 16, he said, "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."
There is no other account. Jesus didn't call Peter a pope, bishop, monsignor, priest, pastor or minister. He did however earlier in His ministry, tell Peter to take care of and feed His sheep, according to John 21. Be a shepherd, He said.
One of my greatest difficulties with modern religion is man's insatiable desire to add his own twist to what Holy God had already laid out perfecty. If there's one thing man likes to do it's make things more convoluted, with lots of rules and all kinds of labels. How about we just call a shepherd a shepherd? Since Pastor means just that, it would seem that Peter was in fact the first ordained pastor :-)
Joseph Smith conjured up a whole race of people in a place that never existed to make his religion more attractive. The church of England "blessed" divorce after a king beheaded his wife because the Catholic church wouldn't allow divorce. Now the Catholic church will annul a marriage if you have enough money and an advocate and can prove the marriage should never have been blessed in the first place. What does that do to any children from that marriage? Are they now considered illigitimate?
And what about no fellowship at all? Can't I just be a Christian and worship God without going to church? Or how about I do online fellowsihp? This may be a can of worms but stand back because I'm diving in.
There are a number of very good reasons to be connceted with a sound local Christian body.
First, we support and encourage one another ~Heb 3:13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness.
God hates divorce. He also hates lies. Adultery. Idol worship. Stealing. Covetousness. Child abuse. Fornication. We need to bounce our plans off others who, through prayer and the discernment of the Holy Spirit, can guide us to righteous living according to God's purposes.
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. We have a responsibility to look after those who unexpectedly find themselves in need, and to hold one another accountable. "The world" is a hungry wolf at the ready to strike in our weakness. We find strength in fellowship.
It's easy to sit back on our laurels when we have no one or nothing to guage ourselves against. Seeing others actively working to draw more souls to the table of grace makes us want to do more ourselves. ~Heb 10:24-25 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. 25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
The reasons for coming together in worship and studying God's word are endless but the point is, if we're to have a full relationsip with Christ, we must have relationship with other believers.
Let's follow the Rock, join together joyfully to sing praises to our Heavenly Father, hear His word preached with wisdom and guidance from a well schooled discerning pastor and nurture one another on this difficult journey to our final reward. Let's get out of the way with our own silly plans and ideas and let God do His work on earth in and through us until Jesus returns.
Lord God, we are so grateful that You are God and we are not. We are so adept at twisting, complicating and completely distorting things when we get too far out on our own. We need one another. Help us to keep a servant's heart, to be willing to reach out to our brothers and sisters in need, to have a good ear for someone who's hurting, to pray for one another and to always seek first Your kingdom in all matters. We praise You and thank You asking all these things in Jesus' name, amen.
The Flesh of God, Salvation of Man
FaithWalkDaily October 28, 2008
I'm not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one. ~ John 17:15
Today's Encouraging Word from KLOVE truly must be read in context to get the full meaning of Jesus' prayer for us.
I went all the way back to John 13 to learn that Jesus had been speaking when the apostles had gathered with Him for their last supper before His crucifixion. He had washed their feet and shown them how to serve in order to lead. He will soon show them how to lead by giving His own life.
Jesus has now revealed He is, without question, God Himself and that His remaining time on earth is short.
Jesus knew what we would face in His absence, as the gospel began to spread, would be difficult at best, deadly for many. He didn't ask God to remove us from the battle, but to protect us from the enemy we would have to face. It was inevitable, undeniable, and already written in future history. He knew Satan would come out blasting both barrels at us.
So today, I'm reminded that the One I pray in the name of, already prayed for my protection. The Son is our mainline connection with Almighty God, omnipotent creator. I love the picture he paints for us in John 15 of the grapevine, of the important and omniscient way we're entwined with His spirit.
This is a particularly good time of year to be thinking about how the sneaky adversary creeps into the vine to try to cut us off from the source of our growth. Where are you particularly weak in your life? Are you tempted by greed? Food? Drugs or alcohol? Pornography? Lust? Uncontrolled anger? Fear?
Let's trust in Jesus who is our intercessor for every need. He knows every detail of our lives and where we need Him most. In our darkest moments, in our weakest moments, let's remember to call on our Savior, who has already called on God for our protection. In His flesh, we meet God.
Holy Spirit, remind us in our weakness we are strong in Christ. When the enemy comes tapping on our hearts seeking entrance, would we boldly send him away in the name of Jesus. Especially protect our children during this season when the world finds joy in celebrating and imitating evil. Help us to remind children that the only One worth celebrating, the only One worth emulating, is the Lord God Almighty who always protects us from the evil one. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
I'm not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one. ~ John 17:15
Today's Encouraging Word from KLOVE truly must be read in context to get the full meaning of Jesus' prayer for us.
I went all the way back to John 13 to learn that Jesus had been speaking when the apostles had gathered with Him for their last supper before His crucifixion. He had washed their feet and shown them how to serve in order to lead. He will soon show them how to lead by giving His own life.
Jesus has now revealed He is, without question, God Himself and that His remaining time on earth is short.
Jesus knew what we would face in His absence, as the gospel began to spread, would be difficult at best, deadly for many. He didn't ask God to remove us from the battle, but to protect us from the enemy we would have to face. It was inevitable, undeniable, and already written in future history. He knew Satan would come out blasting both barrels at us.
So today, I'm reminded that the One I pray in the name of, already prayed for my protection. The Son is our mainline connection with Almighty God, omnipotent creator. I love the picture he paints for us in John 15 of the grapevine, of the important and omniscient way we're entwined with His spirit.
This is a particularly good time of year to be thinking about how the sneaky adversary creeps into the vine to try to cut us off from the source of our growth. Where are you particularly weak in your life? Are you tempted by greed? Food? Drugs or alcohol? Pornography? Lust? Uncontrolled anger? Fear?
Let's trust in Jesus who is our intercessor for every need. He knows every detail of our lives and where we need Him most. In our darkest moments, in our weakest moments, let's remember to call on our Savior, who has already called on God for our protection. In His flesh, we meet God.
Holy Spirit, remind us in our weakness we are strong in Christ. When the enemy comes tapping on our hearts seeking entrance, would we boldly send him away in the name of Jesus. Especially protect our children during this season when the world finds joy in celebrating and imitating evil. Help us to remind children that the only One worth celebrating, the only One worth emulating, is the Lord God Almighty who always protects us from the evil one. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
Spiritual Warfare
FatihWalkDaily October 27, 2008
Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. ~ Eph 6:11-14
Spiritual battles are inevitable. Satan is not happy that God loves us so much, that he lost his place in heaven, and that God has forgiven us while demons are condemned beyond redemption.
We have been in the midst of spiritual battle in our own lives lately. When you're on the front lines taking fire without relief, it's difficult to make sense of anything, to see clearly or feel the strength of God carrying the banner before us. So often we have wanted to drop our armor and weapons and just play dead.
Today, I met with a friend to pray through some of demonic oppression and I was given a glimpse of God's glory and found new strength and hope in His promises.
I realize one very important thing in all this. Had we not been spending years in Bible study, surrounded ourselves with good loving people who know the Word of God and pray, and continued to praise God in the most difficult circumstances, things would be a whole lot worse - we might even have lost the battle completely.
We're awash in the light of our Savior though we've fallen deep into enemy territory. He is our strength, our hope and our joy. Because we'd been well prepared in our faith, we were able to persevere remembering we can do all things through Christ who is our strength.
Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. ~ Eph 6:14-18
Lord our strength is in You. We entrust our lives to Your care with the faith that moves mountains. In Jesus' name, amen.
Who Prayed Your Faith Into Action?
FaithWalkDaily October 26, 2008
We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done. ~ Psalm 78:4
Today was "Children's Sunday" at GracePoint Community Church where I worship and enjoy fellowship every week. This is an annual event, celebrating and honoring our children and those who invest in their future by teaching or helping with Sunday school and other activities for our youngsters.
Pastor Fred preached from Psalm 78, a portion of which stresses the importance of passing on the Word of God to generations to come. He asked us to reflect on who had the greatest influence on our Christian faith when they were growing up.
I wanted to share this with you because there have actually been a number of influences in my life and I'm fairly sure someone - maybe more than one person - out there prayed for me for many years before I finally came to faith.
So my first question for you is, who has had the greatest influence on your Christian faith today? Take a moment to thank God for that person and say a prayer for them if they're still living. Go a step further and write them a letter to let them know what a powerful impact they've had on your life and how God is moving in and through your faith now, to effect others and glorify God.
Even more important, who's future are you affecting? Who are you praying for? Who do you mentor? What kind of eternal difference are you making in the life of another?
This is a deeply rewarding experience. If you're missing out, I pray you'll be able to make some adjustments at the next opportunity to positively impact a young person's spiritual future.
Lord, may we never forget what You have done and how much You love us. Thank You for Your inspired Word penned on parchment, passed down generation to generation, a record of all Your marvelous works from the beginning. May we be faithful to continue to pass it on for all generations to come, until our Lord Jesus comes to make all things new. May we rejoice at opportunities to share Your word and Your righteousness with all the children we know, and to live out Your precepts and blessings right before their eyes. May we never lead them down a wrong path, or cause them to disdain the word of God. Would all that we do cause them to find relationship with You in worship, joy in fellowship and wisdom in living by Scripture all the days of their lives. In Jesus name we pray, amen.
Which One is Right?
FaithWalkDaily October 24, 2008
I won't be sharing my heart tomorrow morning as I'll be in a women's ministry conference all day. I hope and pray those of you who rely on this daily devotion will take it upon yourselves to choose a verse of Scripture and savor every word of it. Look at the context of the verse. What was happening at the time? Where were those involved? What were their struggles? What was their relationship with God? How does it apply to your life today? Look at it from every angle, as if studying a great masterpiece of art. Marvel at God's word as a masterpiece for our hearts.
Today's inspiration: That's the whole story. Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone's duty. ~ Ecclesiastes 12:13
I've been in correspondence with a young woman who was initially born-again in a Christian church and has since immersed herself in the Catholic institution. I have deeply mixed feelings about this, having come exactly the opposite direction - once confirmed and baptized as a Catholic and finding no connection to God but only trappings and rituals, the Lord eventually led me into relationship with my Savior and fellowship in the Christian church.
Needless to say, I've been forced to ask the question, where is it best to worship and is there a "true church" or only one way? Is the Catholic church the "true church?" The Mormons say the LDS have the "true church." The Jehovah's witnesses say theirs is the only "true church." Well, if you believe in truth, they can't all be the only true church. So how does a person know?
The question is posed more for the unbeliever than the the man or woman of faith, because there may come a time when someone who's searching will ask you, "how do I know?"
I'm no theologian, in fact, I'm an uneducated quasi-intellectual (being also a passionate, compassionate, deeply emotion-driven person.) Okay, that sounds preposterous I know. I was not formally educated, aced a G.E.D and have been schooled only in the arts. But I've had a lifelong hunger to learn and study everything that interests me to the point of saturation. My favorite subject is Scripture. I research commentaries, the Greek and Hebrew contexts, trusted teachers and a number of other resources, led by the Holy Spirit.
Having said all that, how would I know which church is right? I don't presume to know beyond a shadow of a doubt with any authority to say you should do what I tell you. But know this, I've done a ton of research because it's been on my heart and mind all my life - I've been in search of truth for as long as I can remember. I've practiced Nicheren Shoshu Buddhism, considered Hinduism, agnosticism, Unitarianism, the metaphysical, Catholicism and Anneism (turning my back on all faith.) In the end, I concluded Jesus is the only way (John 14:6.) There is nothing I want more than to follow Jesus, be obedient to the Holy Spirit and please God.
Having established Jesus is the way to connect with God, I had to consider what exactly that looks like.
I asked:
Did Jesus give a name to the church?
What exactly is "the church?"
The word “church” in the New Testament comes from the Greek word, ekklesia, which means “to call out.” This is more a referral to go spread the gospel as far as I can tell, not gather in a building somewhere. However, that's not to say the local body isn't to share the gospel in a central location where the community of believers can point their neighbors to Christ.
The only two references to "church" in the Gospels are from Jesus. According to Ephesians 1:22-23 the church is the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ consist of all those who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ - (1 Corinthians 12:13) all who are saved through faith in Jesus Christ. Within the context of the greater church, we gather in local fellowships for the edification of the body. There is no denominational reference or preference.
Did Jesus tell his apostles and disciples to come together to worship?
While there is no clear mandate about how to gather together for worship, Jesus Himself worshipped in the synagogues as he traveled. Our corporate worship emulates that example. Fellowship is also important in that it strengthens the body as we encourage, nurture, and minister to one another in love as commanded. (John 13:34, 1 John 1:7, 1 John 2:10.) It's just good common sense to associate with like-minded people. We help one another in troubled times and rejoice together in our victories.
When Jesus named the apostle Peter the "rock" upon which He would build His church, did he appoint him a priest or endow any other formal title?
Due to time constraints, I must leave you on this note today. Next week I'll take this up again as I believe this is something God would have us devote ample time to understanding. We want to know we're where God wants us, in obedience to His will.
Meantime, may God bring you peace and joy as you continue to devour His word with your soul.
Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone's duty.
Heavenly Father, keep us ever mindful that faith is about You, not about what we do. Let us bow down and worship our Almighty God, magnificent Creator and everliving Father. We love and adore you, seeking Your wisdom and discernment in Jesus Christ who died for us, amen.
How Valid is the Bible Today
FaithWalkDaily October 23,2008
For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. ~Heb 4:12
This is the first Scripture verse I ever memorized many years ago. It has come alive in my heart and soul and effects how I live my life.
God's word created the universe and everything in it, including mankind. Do you suppose it stopped there? No, eventually, it's the same word that prophesied and announced the virgin conception of Jesus. It's the same word that spoke to my heart the day I decided to follow Jesus.
God's word is alive and as sharp today as when He called forth light. It separates the wheat from the chaff. It creates conflict in us to cause us to search ourselves deeply for any trace of sin. It cuts to the core, revealing every dark cranny, as it sharpens our awareness and roots out obstacles to our growth.
Do you trust in God's word implicitly? It seems that we've fallen prey to disbelief and must once again turn to God's word for answers, direction and hope.
The word of God is living and active today. It's still the best guide for living.
Heavenly Father, renew our faith and cause us to rely on Your word, not that of the world we live in. Would we be a people who put our trust in You alone, seeking Your word for daily living. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
Going Home
FaithWalkDaily October 22, 2008
The one thing I ask of the Lord—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple.
~ Psalm 27:4
There are many things I have to do today. Many unpleasant things I need to finish. I'm anxious right now, feeling like I need to get out the door and get going. But at the same time, I've committed myself to reflecting on God's word and allowing it to infiltrate my busy heart for my benefit and those I encounter.
Reading this verse today, for a moment I felt secure, peaceful, hopeful. I can't wait to get home! I so long to be with my Father - out of this lipstick, slapstick, Chapstick, flagship, hardship jungle of pain and sorrow hurtling faster than a speeding bullet to absolute destruction - and into a place of wholesomeness and holiness.
In a novel by Tosca Lee called Demon, she paints a marvelous, inspiring picture of what it would be like to worship at the throne of God. It's close to what I saw in my own heart but she was able to put into words what I couldn't quite grasp, in a magical way that made me yearn for freedom from this corporeal state.
But it's not my time. None of us knows the time we'll be called to rest until that day arrives or Jesus returns to bring all the children of God home. We do have a responsibility to live, to the best of our ability, for the cause of the gospel; to be the light of Christ in a dark world; to carry the message of hope to others. We don't get to punch out and go home until we complete our work according to His plans. We must wait until the last page is written and submitted.
What I seek most is to live in the house of the Lord forever, delighting in the Lord's perfections and worshipping at His feet. In the meantime, I seek obedience to His will.
Father in heaven, O how majestic, how awesome You truly are. We can't even imagine in our puny minds how magnificent Your being. Yet we long for it because at our roots, we are connected to You. We are Your children yearning for home. Help us to remember that our reward, our joy, our freedom is there with You, not here. Help us to keep putting one foot in front of the other according to Your plans and purposes for each of us, to complete Your work so we can leave this world in peace. Show us the way Lord. In Jesus' name, amen.
Living for God
FaithWalkDaily October 21, 2008
Josh 24:15-16
15 But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."
God had protected, fed, and guided the Israelites. He had shown His glory to them, brought them through every trial - out of slavery and right to the promised land. Yet despite the history of His faithfulness to the ones He loved, they turned to idols. They sought physical, tangible things to worhsip. They lost their faith in our holy, merciful, everlasting Creator. Joshua stood firm for the Lord, saying, you people do what you will, but I'm trusting God.
What about us today? Where is our faith? This morning as my husband and I studied Acts, a couple things came to mind that have been niggling at my heart for awhile. We've become complacent and lazy in our worship. When did the faithful decide it was no longer necessary to get on our knees to humble ourselves before God? And when did we decide it was no longer necessary to fast when we cry out to Him to save us from our sin?
Look at the condition of our country. We claim to be a Christian nation. Show me where we demonstrate that. We've stood dumb while abortion has been legalized. Even worse, we allow live-born infants to be murdered during birth in the name of some unjustifiable cause. We allow the government to apportion our finances according to a few liberals who justify taking from the rich to give to the lazy. We don't take care of our own needy within the body as we ought to. We go to church on Sunday with smiles on our faces, teary as we worship, living a lie.
We are in dire straights. If you don't see that, you're not only living a lie, you're walking blindfolded. It's time to face the light.
Scripture gives us a clear outline for living. This is not some church or government mandate. This is how God tells us to live.
- Love God first - ponder what that means. (Matthew 22:37)
- Give our firstfruits back to God with a cheerful heart - meditate on this. (Exodus 23:19)
- Love our neighbors as ourselves - Think about it. (Matthew 22:39)
- Support the body of Christ - look our for each other, encourage one another - consider what that looks like. (Hebrews 3:13)
- Take care of widows and the orphans. (James 1:27) * This is not to be confused for prostitutes, fornicators and adulterers who, without concern for themsleves, others or their children, endlessly bear infants, then stick their fat hands out expecting the government to support them.
Cell phones
Add your own idol to the list. Anything that takes our attention from the heart of God is an idol.
Does that mean we're not to enjoy life? On the contrary. If we're attentive to His call, putting Him first, giving back to Him, and following His ways, our joy will be complete. If we suffer for God, we are to count it all joy. Why? Because our reward is not in this world. What comes after is so much better - far beyond our greatest imagining.
If we put our hopes and find our pleasure in the things of this world, do we truly believe the promise of heaven? Ponder what that means. Seek ye first the kingdom of God...
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Will you come to your knees with me today?
Lord God, You are Creator! Your magnificence and power are beyond our ability to even comprehend. It's because You are beyond our imagining, that we get lost in our own stuff, seek the tangible things of this world, forget who You really are, just as the Israelites did long ago. O God be merciful and forgive us! Help us to turn from our wicked foolishness and to fall before Your throne in utter submission and to worship You as You deserve. You alone are God. You alone are worthy. Thank You for Your understanding and love, Your continual forgiveness when we realize the depths of our depravity. We leave our idols and come to you emptied of ourselves, seeking only You. We love You and praise You and thank You for all things and turn to You now. Would new hope spring up for our nation as we trust in You. In Jesus' precious and matchless name, amen.
The Lord's Angel Encamps Around Us
FaithWalkDaily October 20, 2008
~ Ps 34:77 The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.
Maybe you've been going through some heavy times lately as we have. Not to whine, harp, complain or burden you with my troubles, but for your understanding, we have a full litter box of problems right now.
My hip joint is bone on bone and needs repair as soon as possible - this news came just after we'd reduced our insurance coverage to save money, since we're already in a financial puddle. Now an operation that might have cost us a few hundred dollars co-pay will cost us many thousands of dollars if I can't wait until open enrollment next summer.
We have a rental property that has never been profitable and barely pays it's own mortgage. Ten months ago the tenants broke their lease and jumped ship without notice, leaving the place in an absolute shambles. A 1950's Georgia shanty would have been a nicer place to live than what these people did to our home. There was animal feces and urine in the carpets, screens torn to shreds, doors twisted and broken, light switches broken off, electrical outlets completely torn apart (not just the cover plate removed) and left with wiring dangerously exposed, light fixtures broken, holes punched and kicked in every wall and door, brand new wood flooring destroyed with deep gouges, bath fixtures cracked, smashed, missing parts and filthy. I have never seen anything like it and can't even imagine how people with 6 children could live like that - not that children don't make messes - but that it's so unsafe for them. It's heartbreaking not only because of all the work we've had to pay for and do ourselves with no chance of reimbursement, it has destroyed my trust of all future tenants.
While we've been working on the rental house the past few weeks, at some point a thief came in the night and stole the central air conditioner from the side of the house. They just tore it completely apart, took the parts they wanted, and left it strewn all over the side yard, utterly destroyed. It can't be repaired. This was a brand new unit 3 years ago, to the tune of a few thousand dollars that we can't afford to replace. When my husband picked up the fan portion that was laying on the ground while talking to a deputy during the burglary report, the thing began to spin and nearly took his hand off. Those idiots didn't even cut the wires or disconnect them in any way - just tore the thing apart and left it exposed like that.
What is this all about? It's hard not to be angry, depressed, and frankly not to just get up and run away. Not that I haven't thought about it...
I have a God who loves us, who knows everything we're going through, and who reminds us He has everything under control. As I was tossing and turning last night unable to sleep, I began to pray. The Holy Spirit whispered to me that God wants to teach us something.
I pray we'll be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and willing to accept the lesson we're given.
I pray we'll be alert to what God is doing so we can be obedient to follow.
I pray we'll be wiser in the future and not get burned again.
I'm trusting that the angel of the LORD encamps around us and will deliver us.
Heavenly Father, You are holy and righteous, we are not. We bow before You humbly, knowing we don't get half what we deserve - thank You for that! Forgive us for our sin Lord, for the pride that says I don't deserve what I'm going through; for the ugliness that wishes it were someone elses trouble; for the resentment I've carried toward those who have hurt us; for my unwillingness to see my own part in it all; for my anger and bitterness and the foul words that have escaped my heart and lips. Cleanse me O Lord, make me new and holy, a cheerful representative of my Lord and Savior Jesus. Thank You that You are an ever-present God who cares for our every need, who's angel encamps around us to deliver us. Thank You for this trial by fire that's refining us. Thank You for whatever the the outcome of our situation. We praise You night and day. In Jesus' name, amen.
Sharing the Truth in Love
FaithWalkDaily October 18, 2008
Acts 20:30 Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them.
Someone I love fell prey to a huge and growing cult religion and it broke my heart. When I shared my faith in Christ with this beloved person in hopes that she too would see the light, she told me she disdained organized religion of any kind and didn't want any part of it.
A few years later she moved to Utah. Within months her family was caught in the LDS machine.
Our ministry, the Circle of Grace was birthed from that chapter in our lives. Yesterday as I was doing some research, I came across the website of an LDS man that I've often visited when questioning their beliefs. He seems to fancy himself something of a "Book of Mormon answer man," as it were.
2 Peter 2:1-32:3 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them-bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.
If you're unfamiliar with the false teaching of the LDS, I suggest you get to know your Bible well (fi you don't already,) compare it to the Book of Mormon which they tout as the truest book ever written, then study their beloved founder Joseph Smith who was a hypocrite, adulterer, fornicator and polygamist not to mention a liar, thief and murderer - unrepentent. You do the research and decide for yourself.
I have written to this man before, disputing his theories. Of course he defends his faith. He's steeped in deception. Reaching people like that isn't easy. Perhaps I never will. But I choose to continue to dialogue with him and pray for him. As he is leading people astray, how can I sit and do nothing?
Beloved, we have a responsibility to stand up for the gospel truth and not let it be trampled, no matter how big the church that perpetuates false doctrine.
I wrote to Jeff again yesterday. Here is a portion of it. I share it with you for insight and perhaps it will help you in sharing the truth with love to someone your concerned about in a cult.
Dear Jeff,
I know with all my heart that you mean well and really believe what you post. Every once in awhile when I'm researching something on Mormonism I land on your website. This time it was a google search for where J.S. came up with his convoluted notion of 3 heavens. Please, please, please read my entire message because I'm going to reveal something to you in the end that will rock your world.
When I read your explanation that Joseph Smith's fabricated heavenly realms stemmed from any knowledge of Greek language (when he was clearly not a student of Greek, Hebrew or theology,) and that God the author of language gave it to him somehow, all I could think of was my sister's propensity for making up words that have no meaning, just as telestial has no meaning. Smith made it up. Forgive me. I don't mean to be contentious or demeaning. You're obviously a well educated man. But you, as so many others, have been duped. It happens to the best of the best.
As for the 2nd letter Paul wrote to the Corinthians in chapter 12, in his reference to third heaven and paradise, it is clear they are one and the same. Since this is the only mention of third heaven in Scripture, since Paul spoke of himself in the 3rd person in an attempt at humbling himself in the presence of those he challenged, the only explanation man can render is pure speculation. I've read a number of commentaries, concluding the authors gave fair guesses based on studies of the Greek language used, but no one knows for sure. I personally prefer because it makes sense, the explanation that the first heaven refers to the clouds we can see, the second refers to outer space - the inky blackness filled with stars, the third heaven being God's realm from whence He rules.
The bottom line, there's no mention in any Scripture anywhere, or in any church history, or in any history for that matter, of a celestial, terrestrial or telestial domain. Although the concepts of heaven and paradise have been widely accepted through the ages by believers and nonbelievers alike.
Your argument from the perspective of a dear and devout follower of the teachings of Joseph Smith would be that J.S. was a modern day prophet of God. And my challenge to you, as to all who profess faith in Joseph Smith, is to ask and answer the question, how do you test a true prophet? (Deuteronomy 13)
Since the inception of both the Mormon and Jehovah's Witness sects, "prophets" of these organizations have made claims and predictions that did not come to pass. There are Christian men and women today claiming to be modern day prophets of God and I'll reserve that judgement to God. I will not follow them nor accept what they say because we need no more than what God has already given us. There are no modern day prophets because all that needed to be said, has been said. We exist in a time of waiting for the return of our Savior. We have but one course to follow - His.
The prophets of old were found to be credible because their prophecies were ALL fulfilled. A man who got 3 out of 10, 5 out of 10, even 9 out of 10 guesses correctly would not have been accepted. If a prophets predictions were not 100%, the man was put to death for heresy.
The LDS think "ordinary" Christians hate them, persecute them, mock them. Nothing could be further from the truth. You have no idea the tears we shed in crying out to God Almighty on your behalf because the grief of Christ grips our hearts and will not let us rest without doing all we can to open your eyes.
Can we cut to the chase here? All we need to know has already been given us and it's ridiculously simple. Yet man, for some reason, thinks he must twist it into something complicated so he can feel good about himself when he's the only one who "gets it" and has to tell the rest of the world how to think and what to do.
This is all we need to know. By the way, I didn't come up with this, Jesus the Christ did.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul and with all your strength. Love your brother as yourself. (Matt. 22:37-40)
Simple, yes. Easy? Well, let's consider.
The first statement encompasses all the commandments. In order to fully love God as instructed, we look to who God is, what God wants and we naturally desire more than anything to please Him. So, what were the commandments? Not all the convoluted laws tacked on through the ages by Jews, Christians and Mormons. The original 10 commandments given by God to Moses, broadly addressed all sin. Read them carefully, paying particular attention to the first 4. (Exodus 20)
The second command Jesus gave - which He conferred because His life and death were appointed to fulfill the law, therefore to love and follow Him is the fulfillment of all the commandments - is also more difficult than it appears on the surface. But again, if we love God, there is great joy in selfless care for others. And yes, Jesus is one with God though different in nature just as I'm a wife, mother and writer - but that's a discussion for another time. I already know your arguments in that arena. (Col. 1:15-16)
We don't need a modern day prophet to tell us the end is coming - Jesus told us that already.
We don't need a modern day prophet to tell us when the end is coming because Jesus told us that also - NO ONE KNOWS, not even Christ. No one is meant to know. The whole element of surprise is what keeps us on our toes. (Matt. 24:26)
We don't need a modern day prophet to tell us to worship God and live reverently.
We don't need a modern day prophet to tell us what to wear or what to eat or how speak or work or live - all of those things are summed up in the first commandment Jesus gave. For if we love Him, we will worship Him in our hearts, in our attitudes, in our thoughts, all day every day and on the Sabbath. We will respectfully dress modestly by choice, not mandate. We will speak with love and gentility, without profanity. We will want to share the love of Christ with others. We will want to eat right and take care of ourselves for our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor. 6:19)
These are all common sense issues that we know - how? Of course through the Holy Spirit who gives all wisdom and understanding. We don't need a modern day prophet because we all have one in us when we choose to follow God.
Before I had the Holy Spirit in my heart, I didn't care what anyone thought of me, didn't care what came out of my mouth or what went into it, didn't care how I dressed, didn't care about worship or others. I pretty much didn't care about anyone or anything except myself. But by the power of the blood of Jesus, by His atoning death on the cross, the day I believed, the day I chose to follow Him, I was transformed in ways I could never have managed on my own. Nobody told me to stop cussing and dressing inappropriately. This new awareness was similar to the awakening of Adam and Eve in the garden, when they were suddenly ashamed. I was different in the blink of an eye. The foul language dried up, the attitude was softened, I was reverent, hopeful, joyful, decent, modest - everything was transformed. That, my brother, is the power of the Holy Spirit. He is THE modern day prophet and the only spiritual guide we need. The Holy Spirit then is also one with God, just as Jesus, a separate entity. They are not three Gods, they are not three different people, they are not a god, a spirit and a man. They are God in heaven, God represented in flesh as the Son, and God given within each believer by His Holy Spirit. (John 14:26)
I love the purity of God's word and the simplicity of His message. It truly grieves my heart that so many want to pervert it with their sinful desire to be like God - the very thing that brought the fall of mankind. For any man to think he might attain some sort of godhood, to seek self-importance or for whatever reason man envisions himself in a loftier place, is beyond my understanding, for we were created to worship not be worshipped.
May God have mercy on you and those you lead astray for your are truly, though innocently unaware, deceived. Seek the truth lest you call out the wrath of our God who reigns forever.(Psalm 9:7) The devil wears fine clothes, shines brightest among all men and creatures, dazzles the eyes and heart, beguiles with a poisoned tongue. And he will burn in eternal damnation, taking with him all who believe his lies. Satan's light will burn out. The light of Christ rules forever.
As long as you persist in defending the unqualified teaching of Joseph Smith, I will persist in praying for your eyes to be opened. Because I love you with the love of the Lord.
For the love of Christ, by His grace,
anne hughes
Psalm 23:!
Heavenly Father, thank You for laying it on my heart to share Your truth in love with Mr. Lindsay. I pray Lord, that You will use my words to cause Jeff to consider his place and what he's doing, to protect the great numbers of people he influences with his writing on the web. I pray for those reading this blog, that they might be enlightened about Mormonism, that perhaps they would be prompted to do further research on their own. Holy Spirit, if there are any reading this who are gifted and compelled to pray, who feel led to join the Circle of Grace, would You make that abundantly clear to them. Father we pray in one accord for all those who have been deceived by the lies of Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and all who carry on in their stead today, that the scales would fall from their eyes and they would seek the true Gospel for salvation. In Jesus' precious name we pray, amen.
Don't Worry, Pray
FaithWalkDaily October 17, 2008
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. ~ Philippians 4:6
Just this morning my husband admonished me to stop fretting and turn my problem over to God. Boy is that easier said than done!
Human nature is such that we tend to stress, fret, ponder, try to fix, make things worse, yell, cry, throw tantrums and when all else fails, we pray. Wouldn't it just be easier to pray first?
When faced with a situation that I couldn't help someone with, I used to say, well at least I can pray. Isn't it amazing how we put prayer down there at the bottom of the list, as if it were dirty laundry? Prayer shoud be the first and is always the best thing we can do.
So, we finally get to that pulling our hair out moment that forces us to our knees, and proceed to fret and stew some more. O we of little faith!
Can you imagine calling the moving men to come to pack up your furnishings for a move and then when they get there, you do all the packing yourself and load the truck for them? Not only would I not do a good job of packing, I'd surely run out of space in the truck for loading improperly, and then go to bed with a backache. When we call on God in prayer, pour out our troubles and ask for His help, shouldn't we then get out of the way and let Him manage our problems?
So what does that look like? I really have to consider this because submitting my needs to the One who has all the answers and then pursuing my own path is clearly not working for me.
First, I need to evaluate my situation. What am I able to do and what do I need help with? What do I need to wait on?
Second, I need to pray with Biblical reference and with sincere faith. God's word is full of promises that help us connect. What good is prayer if it's nothing more than lip service? God knows my heart. I can fool myself but I won't fool my Father.
Finally, I need to spend some quiet time listening, with my journal at hand. When the Holy Spirit speaks, I need to take notes. If I don't get any immediate impressions through my Scripture reading or the still small voice within, I need to commit to being attentive to His leading as I go about my day and week. The answers will come. All things work to the good of those who love Him and are called to His purposes. So I know I can rest after I've given it all to His care.
Heavenly Father, You are all-knowing God, able to do all that we can ask or imagine. Forgive me for trying to live as though I don't need you. Forgive me for bad choices and bad reactions. Help me today as I lift up every circumstance that troubles me, to be quiet enough to listen, to search Your word diligently and store it in my heart and to respond as the Holy Spirit leads. Precious Jesus, thank You for paying the price for my sins, so that I can come before our Father with my petitions. Thank You for forgiving me, for growing me and for every good thing and every trial in my life which strengthens my faith and draws me closer to You. In Your precious name I pray, amen.
FaithWalkDaily October 16, 2008
John 3:2121 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."
Oh what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practise to deceive!
Sir Walter Scott (1771–1832)
Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." ~ John 8:31-32
Eve was deceived, the serpent her deceiver.
Eve deceived Adam.
Abraham deceived Isaac.
Isaac was also deceived by his son Jacob.
Jacob also deceived Laban.
Laban deceived Jacob.
Moses and the Israelites were deceived by the Mideanites.
Saul deceived the spiritist woman.
And David.
The pride of your heart deceives you.
Many will try to deceive you claiming the name of Jesus.
We are deceived by sin.
Deceived by the wicked.
Deceived by our minds.
The devil will deceive the nations.
The Bible is rife with instances of deceit. One deceives another and so it goes, on and on. God cannot deceive, God alone can show us truth.
Deceit sucks one down into darkness into a tangled net of despair.
Truth draws one out into the light and sets us free.
Father, may we seek Your truth today and always, to be drawn ever closer to the light of Your goodness. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
Adam and Eve,
blood of Jesus,
don't be deceived,
His Grace and Mercy
FaithWalkDaily October 15, 2008
... he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit. ~ Titus 3:5
Can you imagine what it must have been like to live as a Jew before Jesus came? Not only were they trying to live up to the laws given Moses, the priests had added law upon law upon the point where a person could hardly move without sinning. There were laws governing what foods could be eaten, what colors were to be worn in certain circumstances, how to react when faced with difficulty (such as tearing ones clothes and covering oneself in sack cloth and ashes.) There were rules about when, where and how to pray, who could talk to God and where, even how to eat ones meals. Everything was managed by law.
There are religions that teach we must live up to the letter of the law IN ADDITION to believing Jesus Christ is the son of God in order to be saved. Today, we call that the impossible gospel. Jesus came that we could have life...
John 20:31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
1 John 5:12 He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.
Eph 2:7-8-10 8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
So we see there is nothing we can do to be saved of our own accord. Only by the blood of the Lamb, the precious sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus, that we are promised eternal life.
Do we still have a responsibility to live up to the law?
Rom 6:14-15 For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace. 15 What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means!
What Paul means is, the man (or woman) who has truly come into the family of God through faith in Jesus, desires a life pleasing to God. Though tempted, we will seek God's strength to turn from sin because we love the Lord more than sin, which ruled the old nature. Now made new in the covenant of Christ's blood, we no longer lust after the things of this world, but are drawn to the things of God. We put away the childish things of our past and grow in faith through daily Scripture reading, prayer and meeting in fellowship.
Lord, we fall before Your throne in all humility, knowing we are unworthy. Still tempted by sin of every color, shape and size, the Holy Spirit is our victor who empowers us for every encounter with evil. By the blood of Jesus our sins are erased and You give new life. Grant that we would find our strength and hope in His name alone today and every day until You return to bring us home. In Your precious name we pray, amen.
What is God's Will For Me, How Can I Know?
FaithWalkDaily October 13, 2008
Jesus said, in Mark 3:35, Whoever does God's will is my brother and sister and mother.
To have a relationship with Christ, if we are truly a member of His family, we desire to be in God's will. It is the kind of yearning that causes us to question, what exactly is His will for me, and how do I know when I'm in it?
I have a couple of tests I use. The first and paramount examination is to look at Scripture. Is what I think I'm supposed to do, Biblically sound?
A few years ago, our church was in need of someone to lead our Ministry to Women. When the announcement was made from the pulpit one Sunday, I immediately thought, "I should do that." We had been with this church for 6 months in worship, and as instructed by our former pastor when we moved, had waited that long to settle in and get to know the fellowship and ways of this particular body and denomination. The 6 months had just expired, so I asked, "Lord, is this what You want me to do?" Then I waited for an answer. The body had a need and it is certainly Scriptural to serve the church so there was no question there.
The question was, was I a leader, could I do it? I had to say no, I'm not a leader! This goes against my nature in every way, free spirited, worker bee that I am. I'm a contributor, not a director. But still, that little voice kept going off every time the subject came up. That's where my second test comes into play. I call it my third-time-rule. Whenever I'm questioning something and it comes up before me three or more times unexpectedly and unprompted from different sources, I begin to get a strong sense that God is pushing me in that direction.
So I shared with my husband what I'd been thinking and he said I should take it to the pastor and see what he thought. when I sat down with our new pastor, and asked how I could know if this is God's will for me and the women of GracePoint, he said, (paraphrased) it's in alignment with Scripture and you feel a tug in your heart, go for it.
A couple days later when I told one of my new friends in the fellowship I was thinking of accepting the responsibility for the ministry to women, she said, I knew you would, I just had a feeling. A number of others said the same thing. In the end, I didn't have the leadership abilities at all, but for the next 2 1/2 years, God provided a host of wonderful, organized helpers to fill in the gaps. We succeeded in the goals we set and God's work was done with me being nothing more than a conduit for His will. I always felt unequipped and inadequate for the task and was continually amazed at what God did with everything in that ministry.
Rom 8:27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.
You can rest assured that in our humble inability, the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf. He does the prompting, He does the providing. All we have to do is participate.
The next time you say no because something is out of your range of spiritual gifts, or you feel incapable of what's being asked, don't insult God. If you feel a tug at your heart to step up, test it against Scripture, watch to see if God keeps bringing it up in different ways by different sources, and seek guidance from those in authority who will have a leading from the Holy Spirit as well. When all the lights are green, trust God to provide all that's needed to accomplish His work through you, according to Ephesians 2:10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Conversely, the next time you're absolutely certain God has His hand on you to fill the opening, don't be insulted or leave the church because "they didn't see God's will." Go back and pray some more, look for God's leading and trust that His will is being done, possibly through another. If He didn't call you to the work you wanted or thought you would be good at, He has something better, just for you. Wait with joyful anticipation to see what it is. Maybe He's still honing you for just what He has in mind for you to do. I know from experience, there have been many times I thought God was taking me in a direction that I later discovered wasn't God's will for me at all.
I'm thankful now for where He really is taking me, and that I'm learning day by day to trust Him explicitly! After all He is God. I'm just the cracked pot.
Watch, be willing, be humble.
Lord God, Almighty and Omniscient Father, I know You have a perfect plan for my life. I know that when I'm obedient, when I'm in tune with Your will, everything always runs smoothly. Grant me the wisdom today to sit still and wait on You, to trust in Your sovereign ways, and to be grateful for whatever is my chosen path. In Jesus' name, amen.
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