
Going Home

FaithWalkDaily October 22, 2008

The one thing I ask of the Lord—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple.
~ Psalm 27:4

There are many things I have to do today. Many unpleasant things I need to finish. I'm anxious right now, feeling like I need to get out the door and get going. But at the same time, I've committed myself to reflecting on God's word and allowing it to infiltrate my busy heart for my benefit and those I encounter.

Reading this verse today, for a moment I felt secure, peaceful, hopeful. I can't wait to get home! I so long to be with my Father - out of this lipstick, slapstick, Chapstick, flagship, hardship jungle of pain and sorrow hurtling faster than a speeding bullet to absolute destruction - and into a place of wholesomeness and holiness.

In a novel by Tosca Lee called Demon, she paints a marvelous, inspiring picture of what it would be like to worship at the throne of God. It's close to what I saw in my own heart but she was able to put into words what I couldn't quite grasp, in a magical way that made me yearn for freedom from this corporeal state.

But it's not my time. None of us knows the time we'll be called to rest until that day arrives or Jesus returns to bring all the children of God home. We do have a responsibility to live, to the best of our ability, for the cause of the gospel; to be the light of Christ in a dark world; to carry the message of hope to others. We don't get to punch out and go home until we complete our work according to His plans. We must wait until the last page is written and submitted.

What I seek most is to live in the house of the Lord forever, delighting in the Lord's perfections and worshipping at His feet. In the meantime, I seek obedience to His will.

Father in heaven, O how majestic, how awesome You truly are. We can't even imagine in our puny minds how magnificent Your being. Yet we long for it because at our roots, we are connected to You. We are Your children yearning for home. Help us to remember that our reward, our joy, our freedom is there with You, not here. Help us to keep putting one foot in front of the other according to Your plans and purposes for each of us, to complete Your work so we can leave this world in peace. Show us the way Lord. In Jesus' name, amen.