
Don't Worry, Pray

FaithWalkDaily October 17, 2008

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. ~ Philippians 4:6

Just this morning my husband admonished me to stop fretting and turn my problem over to God. Boy is that easier said than done!

Human nature is such that we tend to stress, fret, ponder, try to fix, make things worse, yell, cry, throw tantrums and when all else fails, we pray. Wouldn't it just be easier to pray first?

When faced with a situation that I couldn't help someone with, I used to say, well at least I can pray. Isn't it amazing how we put prayer down there at the bottom of the list, as if it were dirty laundry? Prayer shoud be the first and is always the best thing we can do.

So, we finally get to that pulling our hair out moment that forces us to our knees, and proceed to fret and stew some more. O we of little faith!

Can you imagine calling the moving men to come to pack up your furnishings for a move and then when they get there, you do all the packing yourself and load the truck for them? Not only would I not do a good job of packing, I'd surely run out of space in the truck for loading improperly, and then go to bed with a backache. When we call on God in prayer, pour out our troubles and ask for His help, shouldn't we then get out of the way and let Him manage our problems?

So what does that look like? I really have to consider this because submitting my needs to the One who has all the answers and then pursuing my own path is clearly not working for me.

First, I need to evaluate my situation. What am I able to do and what do I need help with? What do I need to wait on?

Second, I need to pray with Biblical reference and with sincere faith. God's word is full of promises that help us connect. What good is prayer if it's nothing more than lip service? God knows my heart. I can fool myself but I won't fool my Father.

Finally, I need to spend some quiet time listening, with my journal at hand. When the Holy Spirit speaks, I need to take notes. If I don't get any immediate impressions through my Scripture reading or the still small voice within, I need to commit to being attentive to His leading as I go about my day and week. The answers will come. All things work to the good of those who love Him and are called to His purposes. So I know I can rest after I've given it all to His care.

Heavenly Father, You are all-knowing God, able to do all that we can ask or imagine. Forgive me for trying to live as though I don't need you. Forgive me for bad choices and bad reactions. Help me today as I lift up every circumstance that troubles me, to be quiet enough to listen, to search Your word diligently and store it in my heart and to respond as the Holy Spirit leads. Precious Jesus, thank You for paying the price for my sins, so that I can come before our Father with my petitions. Thank You for forgiving me, for growing me and for every good thing and every trial in my life which strengthens my faith and draws me closer to You. In Your precious name I pray, amen.