
My Hope is in my God

FaithWalkDaily October 2, 2008

~ Psalm 9:18
But the needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted ever perish.

Recently we've been faced with climbing some very rough terrain in our lives and I know my only hope is in God. When the world fails us - and it does time and again, God NEVER does.

I am who I am and there's no getting around that. At this very moment I'm dealing with a screaming worn out hip joint that needs to be replaced (and lack of money or insurance to take care of it,) bad liver, weepy eye, sinus pain and inflammation, frequent headaches, and nerve pain in my feet. Today is a good day. Add to that problems with a rental property we've invested in, the US economy is in the pits, troubles with my adult son who's moved back home and acts like a demanding tantrum-throwing toddler - honestly, some days I really want to catch the next train for the furthest reaches of the universe and disappear forever.

I'm not afraid to tell God how I feel. The One who knows every hair on my head, already knows! I don't have to be afraid to share my pain and sorrow with God. He is my Father, my comforter, my strength, my shield, my deliverer - He is everything to me. My hope is in Him. If I don't pour out my heart to Him, in essence it's like saying I can handle this alone; I don't need God. I can't handle anything in life with out Him; I do need God.

The truly marvelous thing is, that while I refocus my attention on Him, I forget about my hip, my eye, my sinus headache, and all the stress life throws my way. For just that time, all is well. I can see only good in my scope when focused on Him. My hope is in Him.

Where's your hope today? Perhaps it would help to adjust your focus. Psalm 31:24 Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You! Thank You for always being there for me to lean on when otherwise I would just fall over. Thank You for being the merciful and loving Father You are, to hold and comfort me as I go through all the trials of life on earth. Thank You for saving a special place in heaven just for me. I can't wait to get home! In the meantime, pour out your strength, courage and perseverance to keep plugging along for Your purposes, a day at a time. In Jesus' name, amen.

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