
Who Prayed Your Faith Into Action?

FaithWalkDaily October 26, 2008

We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done. ~ Psalm 78:4

Today was "Children's Sunday" at GracePoint Community Church where I worship and enjoy fellowship every week. This is an annual event, celebrating and honoring our children and those who invest in their future by teaching or helping with Sunday school and other activities for our youngsters.

Pastor Fred preached from Psalm 78, a portion of which stresses the importance of passing on the Word of God to generations to come. He asked us to reflect on who had the greatest influence on our Christian faith when they were growing up.

I wanted to share this with you because there have actually been a number of influences in my life and I'm fairly sure someone - maybe more than one person - out there prayed for me for many years before I finally came to faith.

So my first question for you is, who has had the greatest influence on your Christian faith today? Take a moment to thank God for that person and say a prayer for them if they're still living. Go a step further and write them a letter to let them know what a powerful impact they've had on your life and how God is moving in and through your faith now, to effect others and glorify God.

Even more important, who's future are you affecting? Who are you praying for? Who do you mentor? What kind of eternal difference are you making in the life of another?

This is a deeply rewarding experience. If you're missing out, I pray you'll be able to make some adjustments at the next opportunity to positively impact a young person's spiritual future.

Lord, may we never forget what You have done and how much You love us. Thank You for Your inspired Word penned on parchment, passed down generation to generation, a record of all Your marvelous works from the beginning. May we be faithful to continue to pass it on for all generations to come, until our Lord Jesus comes to make all things new. May we rejoice at opportunities to share Your word and Your righteousness with all the children we know, and to live out Your precepts and blessings right before their eyes. May we never lead them down a wrong path, or cause them to disdain the word of God. Would all that we do cause them to find relationship with You in worship, joy in fellowship and wisdom in living by Scripture all the days of their lives. In Jesus name we pray, amen.