
What is Divine Power?

FaithWalkDaily October 8, 2008

By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. ~ 2 Peter 1:3

Divine: proceeding directly from God.

God has given us everything we need for a godly life, directly through His power. Straight from the source Himself. Not UPS or Fed Ex or USPS, right from the throne - mainline to our hearts.

There's just something truly awesome about that. Think about it. Suppose you needed help from the government to accomplish something so you put in a request to the President's office for help and the President himself called to grant you authority. And you think, that would never happen, he's got better things to do than pay attention to little ol' me. How much more amazing that God Himself would bestow on us the power to devote ourselves to the work He's prepared in advance for us to do? (Eph. 2:10)

And how have we received this divine ability? Through coming to know Him who called us to Himself. He called us to Himself. I don't know about you, but the very idea that the God of the universe who created us has called me by name gives me goose bumps. Who am I, with all my warts and foibles? Instead of crying in my pain saying "why me God?" I'm forced to my knees, humbled by His love, to cry out "why me God? I'm not worthy!"

This morning as I was praying, the Holy Spirit brought to mind a dear elderly friend. I didn't know why, and her skin looked grey in my vision so I prayed for her health. It made me sad and I thought to myself, I want her to live to be 100 but not if she won't be blessed each and every day. I don't want to see her go, but I'd rather God take her at 93 than see her suffer and have to spend years in a nursing home. Her daughter called awhile ago to say she was in the hospital for some tests as she hasn't been well. All I could think was, what a privilege that God would bring her to mind and call me to pray. Divine power.

By His divine power, He has given us everything we need to live a life devoted to serving Him.

Are you attentive to His call? Tapping into His divine power? Allowing the Holy Spirit to work in and through you?

Heavenly Father, how great thou art. You who shaped the universe know us by name and call us to Your purposes. Thank You that You first walked this earth in our skin, to pay the price for our sins. Thank You that You have prepared a way for us to come to You without shame. We confess we are unworthy and unholy and gratefully receive the atoning death of our Savior. May we sit quietly now, be still, know that You are God and listen for Your voice as You call us out by means of Your marvelous glory and excellence to do Your will. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.