Psalms 5:10 Declare them guilty, O God! Let their intrigues be their downfall. Banish them for their many sins, for they have rebelled against you.
Is there someone you just can't stand - even wish...I won't say it, you know where I'm going.
There was a business owner who did her own television commercials here in the past. She really bugged me. Never mind that I didn't even know her. Every time I saw her commercials I would think to myself, and sometimes say aloud, "she's such a phony, I wish she'd go away."
She did. Last year she died from some sort of cancer. Now I know my negative feelings about her had nothing to do with her death and I certainly never prayed for any such thing. But needless to say, I feel terrible every time I see commercials for her business without her in them. I think to myself what I jerk I am for judging someone I never even met.
The fact is, there are plenty of people in this world who deserved to be judged and maybe don't deserve to live. Yet you and I have no right to judge them. That's up to God. I'm not saying courtrooms are against God's will. On the contrary, God tells us to obey the laws of our lands. I'm talking about judging in our hearts.
Lately I've been doing a lot of research on family history which has brought long buried memories to the surface. Twenty years ago I was a sinner living in sin. I didn't deserve the blessings of God. But I thought I was a good person. After years as a Christian, lots of Scripture study and seeking the kingdom of God, I'm not the same person I was twenty or thirty years ago. I'm sure there were plenty of people who judged me an unfit human being in those days, who might rather have seen me dead than stand in the same bar with me.
Praise God He's in control and not us. David takes a pretty harsh stance against his enemies. But by the grace of God, there go I. I would not call down the wrath of God on anyone. God will deal with those who live in their sin. Rather, I would pray, that they be saved.
Declare them guilty, O God! Let their intrigues be their downfall. Banish them for their many sins, for they have rebelled against you. I say, banish the "old them" and renew their hearts with Jesus!
Father, we ourselves are unworthy to come into Your presence. Yet by the blood of our Savior, He has made a way that we have an open door to Your throne room. Thank You that you haven't banished us for our myriad sins and that we have the Holy Spirit to convict us and help us get back onto the right path. We pray now for our enemies, that their hearts would be changed, that they would know Your blessings and seek Your kingdom through Jesus our Lord. In Your name we pray, amen.