FaithWalkDaily February 2, 2009
Psalms 5:8 Lead me, O LORD, in your righteousness because of my enemies — make straight your way before me.
We had some work that needed to be done in a rental property and hired the services of a man from our church who has a remodeling business. There were some problems with the work and I was really angry when he billed us. The house went vacant for nearly a year as we waited for the work to be finished. We ended up doing a great deal of it ourselves. Despite the incomplete and shabby work which he'd promised us to finish and make right, but didn't, he hounded us for the final payment.
For months I seethed over this issue, letting it affect my prayer life and my relationship with the Lord. My husband forbade me to confront the man. This only fueled my fire until one day I sat down and wrote the man a letter. I justified mailing it in that I hadn't spoken to him, only shared my feelings in writing, convinced I would never be able to let it go if I didn't get it off my chest. I was also certain he needed to hear my complaints because most of them were concerning those he employed, whom I felt were taking advantage of him and denigrating his business.
Every Sunday after I mailed the letter of complaint I avoided his family at church and never told my husband what I'd done. We finally got the house rented and things settled down.
This past Sunday, before I could accept communion, I was convicted that I needed to make amends for my anger and resentment and ask forgiveness for my complaints. I went to the man and his wife and apologized and asked their forgiveness, which they willingly gave. We all shed a fear tears and wounds began to heal in the love of Jesus.
Lead me, O LORD, in your righteousness because of my enemies — make straight your way before me.
Lead me in righteousness because of my enemies. Because I'm a screw up, a sinner, and I'm going to go the wrong way every time! Make straight YOUR way before me. No matter how bad I mess up, I can always count on God to clear the way and straighten things out.
Heavenly Father, forgive my debt of sin as I forgive the debt of those who sin against me. Make straight the way before me in Your righteousness that I will handle my problems with grace and mercy just as You deal with me. In love and praise I seek You in the name of my Savior Jesus, amen.