FaithWalkDaily January 31, 2009
Psalms 5:7 But I, by your great mercy, will come into your house; in reverence will I bow down toward your holy temple.
John 2:21 But the temple he had spoken of was his body.
1 Corinthians 3:16 Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?
Some believe they must go to a great cathedral, built with reverence and awe for Almighty God, in order to worship. Some believe they must be in a church, a sanctuary, a place set apart for God. We certainly need to be in fellowship with other belivers and corporate worship is important for strengthening our faith, but we are not required to go to a church or temple for worship.
Clearly, We are told that the new covenant overrides the old and what God desires most is relationship with His people. He has sent the very Holy Spirit, by the blood of Jesus, right into our hearts to take up residence. We are now the cathedral, the holy place, the sanctuary.
What an amazing image that is to me. From heaven on high, God our Father and Creator, pours out the holiest blood of all, the blood of the Lamb Jesus, right into our hearts, filling us with His Holy Spirit. Himself in us. When He died for our sins, His blood became comingled with ours. He now lives in those of us who have accepted Him.
Now, let's look at what David is saying again, applying it with the new covenant in Jesus. By Your great mercy (my loving father,) I will come into Your house (my soul inhabits this body belonging to Christ.) In reverence I will bow down in Your holy temple (I will respect this flesh and blood as the very body of Jesus Himself.)
Better perspective? Now, let's ask ourselves, how are we doing in our housekeeping?
I have struggled with a lifelong habit of chewing my fingernails and picking at the skin around them. This is not only unsightly, it is destructive to both fingers and teeth. Recently (again) I've been convicted that this is unholy and disrespectful and I'm committed to stopping. It seems like it would be easy but it's been a habit for so long I do it without even thinking. Just like quitting smoking, drinking, and overeating, I can overcome this destructive behavior with the help of the Holy Spirit, who wants me to stop. I know that anything I do which is disrespectful of this body, disrespects my Lord who created me.
But I, by your great mercy, will come into your house; in reverence will I bow down toward your holy temple. O Lord, help me clean house and make this a righteous sanctuary for Your goodness and mercy. Grant me the power to overcome my weakness and take care of this body to honor and glorify You. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.