FaithWalkDaily today
Man sets the standards for normal.
God sets the standard for outstanding.
After I watched this video, I wept, feeling utterly unworthy of the ground that supports me. In Nick, I see the work of God. Perhaps the very soul of God.
And then it hit me, how we humans stand in judgment of one another. God have mercy on us all. Jesus warned us not to judge one another lest we be judged. And we will be judged - by our thoughts, attitudes, actions, and inactions. We will all be judged.
I thought of how the world looks at art. Some abstracts that are just downright disturbing are considered of great value. A man can make a scupture lacking parts, distoring others, and people say, "wow, isn't that wonderful?"
Yet when God creates a living sculpture that has no eyes, is "missing" limbs, or doesn't look like our standard of "normal," we cringe, turn away, feel pity.
Who are we to say what's beautiful or perfect? Who are we, specs of nothingness in this vast universe, to say our Creator made a mistake or that a person shouldn't have been born?
Who are we to say anyone has the right to choose?
Did the pigments of Picasso have a right to stay in the tubes? The canvas have a right to refuse the paint? The mediums of Robert Graham make themselves unyielding to his tools?
Human beings are so full of themselves. We know little. We are like children who would feast on candy corn rather than broccoli without our parents to guide us.
God embraces every witless savant, every palsied being, every malformed creature, for they are the works of His hands.
Whether "abnormalities" are the result of sin: abuse of sex, food, medicine, nature, chemicals, waste, and engineering; or simply all part of God's plan, to see Nick is a reminder to me that we are simple-minded and self absorbed and really haven't a clue.
Anyone who presumes to know the mind of God is utterly deluded.
Isaiah 40:28 The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
God is beyond our understanding, but not beyond our reach. (John 14:6)
Lord strengthen our faith in this crazy world that denies Your deity. The world trusts there is air to breath though we do not see it. They trust we are anchored to the earth we walk upon though we see no gravity. They trust scientists who pour out fairy-tale theories like over-sweetened Kool-aid with no substance, yet they doubt the very Creator of the universe. Open the eyes of the world Father, light our way! have mercy on us in our ignorance. In Jesus' name, amen.