Psalms 5:1-2 Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation. 2 Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto thee will I pray.
The heart and tone of these verses as translated in the ancient King James English has such a lovely ring to me. The psalmist David cries, "hear my heart God of gods, King of kings, consider my thoughts. Listen to the sound of my plea, there is none I trust but You!"
I have heard it said that God can read our minds, He knows our every thought. Satan is not a mind-reader. God is omniscient, fully cognizant at all times of every thought, word and action of mankind. The devil is nothing more than a created being. He is not the equal or counter to God. He is simply an enemy of our Holy Creator.
The enemy knows we struggle against sin and he will do all he can to lure us into his snares. When we verbalize our fears, anger, and desires, he is attentive, storing up knowledge of our weaknesses to use against us.
As young David hid in caves on the run from Saul, he had plenty of time for thinking and praying. He would have been stealthy, silent, so as not to be discovered by his enemy.
I'm a very transparent person and have always bared my soul at will to whomever would listen. One day a dear and godly sister-in-Christ said to me, "Annee, wisdom cautions us to be careful who we share our hearts with. Not everyone treasures our concerns as they should. Things will get twisted in the telling and retelling."
Sometimes it's best to just be still and know that God is God. Don't reveal all the secrets of your heart to the enemy. Send your concerns out to the One who knows your heart. Meditate on Scripture, for God's word is full of wisdom which brings comfort and encouragement and gives us strength to stand against the devil's schemes. God hears and honors our silent meditations.
We may have close friends who know us and understand what we're going through whom we feel safe to share what's going on with us. There is a right time and place for opening up and there are times to be quiet. Wisdom cautions us to be discerning. We should consider carefully before speaking, sharing our meditations with the LORD alone as the Spirit leads. He will direct our paths according to what's best for us.
O LORD my God, give ear to my words and consider my meditation today. Hear the cry of my heart, sweet Jesus. To God alone and in your name I bring my needs and desires. You know my heart. Cleanse me from all iniquity, protect me from the enemy, guide me in paths of righteousness for Your name's sake. Thy will be done. In Jesus' name, amen.