FaithWalkDaily January 17, 2009
Psalms 5:4 For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness, nor shall evil dwell with You.
Have you ever heard someone say, "God gave us pleasure, He wants us to enjoy ourselves," in order to justify their sins?
This might be the enticement of a young man trying to convince his date that sex outside marriage is okay. Or perhaps a person who wants to take drugs, smoke cigarettes, eat or drink excessively for enjoyment. The fact is, questionable or harmful behavior that falls outside the instructions God gave us through His word, is sinful. God abhors any conduct that is unholy or irreverent. We are the guardians of our bodies, which are the temple of the Holy Spirit. For us to abuse them is sinful. God knows what's best for us.
No evil dwells with God. When Satan rebelled and sought glory for himself, he and all his minions were cast out of heaven. God cannot tolerate rebellion. He alone is worthy to be praised. He is the Creator of all things, vastly beyond our reckoning. We can't even fathom His greatness.
If God gives a command, it is for our protection, our blessing and our unity with Him. He does not take pleasure in wickedness nor keep company with evil.
Lord, we are not worthy to speak Your name. Still You open Your throne-room and invite us to sit with You. Thank You for allowing us the grace to grow into the holy men and women You've created us to be, at whatever pace each of us is able to manage. Thank You for Your Word that guides us, the Holy Spirit to prompt us and the sacrifice of our Savior to cover our sins. cleanse us of all iniquity and help us to keep our eyes heavenward today. In Jesus' name, amen.