FaithWalk Daily January 26, 2009
Psalms 5:3 In the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation.
What comes out of my mouth in the morning? Is it “Good morning God?” Or “Oh God, it’s morning!” Do I come to Him first thing with praises, thanksgiving and confession or pour out a list of demands to my King? What should our disposition be when we come to God? He hears my voice, so how shall I present myself? Would it bless Him to hear praise verses? A recitation of the one hundredth Psalm?
Whatever comes from my mouth should be a sweet sound in my Father's ear. He has given me a night of rest and security, and deserves my praise and thanks.
Was there any transgression from the day before I failed to confess at the time? It’s good to take inventory, sit quietly and consider whether I'm rightly prepared to come into the throne-room of almighty God, or if I need to seek forgiveness.
When my heart is cleansed, after I have given Him the honor and glory He is due, when I’ve thanked him for all his blessings and mercy, then I might humbly present my petitions, asking according to His will. Nothing I desire is worth having if it’s not of God’s choosing. He knows what’s best for my life and what will bring glory to Jesus.
In the morning I want Him to be pleased at the sound of my voice. Then when I am still in His presence, waiting on my King, my expectations are full of hope.
Father, You are majestic in heaven and earth - you alone are worthy of all honor, glory and praise. Forgive us for all the blunders we’ve failed to acknowledge:
Give us the strength to face the challenges of the day with grace. May all we do honor You. Thank You for the multitude of blessings in our lives:
We ask that You pour out every provision we need according to Your plans and purposes that our lives would glorify You. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.