FaithWalkDaily January 17, 2009
Psalms 4:3 Know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself; the LORD will hear when I call to him.
First I have to understand what it means to be godly. God gave Moses ten commandments to share with his people. They were simple really, and encompassed all common sense that tells us how to get along on planet earth and live in peace. The first three tell us to worship only YHWH, not to make any kind of idols and not to use His name in vain. Then he tells us to set aside a day of rest and worship. He tells us to respect our parents, not to murder, cheat, steal, lie or envy. They're all pretty basic. Don't commit adultery means don't commit adultery. Does it really need further explanation? Rest on the Sabbath means rest on the Sabbath.
People began to question those ten commandments and the next thing you know, there's a book of rules from here to the moon that the people were expected to adhere to or suffer the consequences. Punishment for disobedience ranged from being shunned for a few days to being stoned to death. It got so convoluted that people began to worship their actions, not the one they acted for. In other words, they were walking around looking godly but having no relationship with God.
When Jesus lived and walked among us, he simplified things even further. He said, love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:37-39, Mark 12:30,31.) Common sense tells us this encompasses all the commandments. To honor and glorify God is as simple as treating one another with respect. Take care of God's creation.
Now that we have a clear understanding of what it means to be godly, let's look at what it means to be set apart for God. This analogy my seem a little far fetched but hang with me for a minute. We have a watering can to water our plants. We use dishes to serve our meals. We have clothes to keep us warm. These things have specific purposes for our use. In the same way, we are vessels filled with the Holy Spirit to carry out the purposes of God. We are all unique and each serves a specific need.
When I open myself to the direction of the Holy Spirit, the Lord will hear when I call Him. When my purpose is in alignment with God's plans, I will know how to pray. It's not about gong to Him to beg for what I want, it's about going to Him to offer myself for His purposes. He hears and fills me with what I need to accomplish whatever He intends for me. True joy results from obedience. He will hear when we call, for we are connected through submission to His will.
Know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself; the LORD will hear when I call to him.
Heavenly Father, I am Yours, set apart to do Your will. I humbly bow before Your throne of grace, seeking direction. Thank You for Jesus and the Holy Spirit, to teach me Your ways and give me guidance. Thank You for all that I have and for all that I lack for You have provided exactly what I need for Your purposes. Forgive me for falling short and holding back. Forgive me for not taking the time to meditate on Your word when I need to. Hear me now Father as I seek Your will and Your way in my life. I open myself to the Holy Spirit to pour into me all that You would have me pour out to the world to bring the lost into the light of Christ for Your glory. In Jesus name, amen.