FaithWalkDaily January 29, 2009

Psalms 5:5 The boastful shall not stand in Your sight; You hate all workers of iniquity. NKJV
The arrogant cannot stand in your presence; You hate all who do wrong. NIV
One of the greatest difficulties I face in my daily walk with Jesus is overcoming pride. If we're honest with ourselves, pride is really at the root of every problem of mankind.
Pride keeps a nation's leader from hearing the wisdom of others. Pride makes the alcoholic think he can drink and drive. Pride gives a CEO the green light to make foolish decisions that cost hundreds of workers their jobs. Pride fuels the bully who picks on weaker kids. Pride causes people to live outside their means and has caused our economic collapse.
At the root of pride is fear. Fear of failure. Fear of being hurt either physically or emotionally. Fear of the judgment of others. Fear of loss. And on it goes.
Years ago I worked in photo processing. I mixed chemicals, processed film, managed a darkroom, printed photographs and accomplished a wide array of related tasks. I was convinced no on could do the job better. The first to arrive and the last to leave, I never let a job out of the door until I was satisfied it was perfect. Coworkers resented me when I was given merit raises and promotions. They probably talked about the chocolate color of my nose behind my back. But I knew I deserved the recognition because I worked harder than everyone else. I didn't do it for my boss, for raises or recognition. It was necessary for my survival.
Inside, I never felt like I measured up to any of my coworkers. They were better looking, better educated, more experienced, had better relationships, better marriages, better kids...
My life revolved around my work. When I was hurt on the job and could no longer do what I loved and felt secure with, I never quite recovered emotionally. I now understand that God took that away from me for my own good. The pride of my work had become my idol.
Now I'm learning to see through the lenses of Scripture, how to have self-confidence without pride. How to be humble without thinking myself worthless. This is a huge change in my heart. It's like walking a tight-rope for me. On the one hand God has given me certain gifts to be used for His glory. On the other, I cannot take any credit for the work of the Holy Spirit. This is a constant balancing act.
When I'm working in the will of the Father, things flow in a steady current and I'm content in all circumstances. I can tell when I'm operating from pride - that's when Murphy's law takes over.
God abhors sin and doesn't tolerate self-elevated people. Is there pride in your life that's blocking the way for the flow of God's blessings?
Heavenly Father, You alone are worthy of all honor and glory. We come before you humbly today and ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind any areas of pride we need to confess....
Forgive us our iniquity, cleanse our hearts, purify our minds, prepare the way for us to walk in peace with our Savior. May we be the best at what we do, speak words that honor You, and live in such a way that the world sees the light of Jesus in us. Grant us confidence in all humility and let us only boast in the saving grace of Jesus. In His name we pray, amen.