FaithWalkDaily January 10, 2009
Psalms 2:4-6 But the One who rules in heaven laughs. The Lord scoffs at them. Then in anger he rebukes them, terrifying them with his fierce fury. For the LORD declares, "I have placed my chosen king on the throne in Jerusalem, my holy city."
Just to refresh your memory, yesterday we looked at the first part of this Psalm which referred to foreign kings who fought against Israel and their God.
One of the greatest arguments from atheists and agnostics against our God, YHWH, is that he's too violent, full of wrath, cruel and unjust. I've been considering these arguments myself. Could the God of everlasting love and mercy; incarnate Jesus, the sufferer for our sake; comforter and counselor the Holy Spirit; be the same God who laughs and scoffs at foreign kings, terrifying them with fierce fury?
We must remember that no matter how holy and inspired the authors of Scripture are, they are men. They speak to us in the language and perceptions of men. These comments by the psalmist are similar to those we often make today. How often have you or I said, God must be in heaven chuckling at us for our stupidity or God must have a sense of humor. We project our own reactions, our own perceptions and our own emotional experiences onto the sovereign Creator of the Universe. Is is both idealistic and a coping mechanism.
God is not as we are. Though we are created in His image, that has far deeper meaning than appears on the surface. An image is simply an impression. Let me use the example of a photographic image. Before film is ever processed or a memory card is downloaded to a computer and then printed on paper, the exposed image resides in the dark. The actual image is not what you see but the data that produces the visible spectrum. In film it is the sum of chemicals sandwiched within the film's emulsion and punctuated by silver halides, the films magical image producers. On the memory card it's simply coded information.
God's image in us is that coded information or the perfect combination of chemicals that produce the qualities of God in a man, who is like the paper that reveals the image.

So we have the qualities of God that He has deemed necessary for each of us to accomplish His purposes. Considering how truly limited we are, do you think we really have a clue into the inner mind and heart of this Almighty Creator? He is immeasurably more wise than the greatest human genius.
How does that fit in with the stain of sin in every human being. At the simplest level, what happens to the photographic image when there's a spot on the lens or the processing chemistry is bad? A degraded image. In the same way evil stains the perfect image of God in us. In some the degradation is so great the image is unsalvageable. I've had many photos over the years that have had spots and blemishes. Water or certain chemicals can clean them up pretty well. In the same way, our imperfections are cleansed by blood of Jesus.
Let's go back to the original argument. Can this same magnificent Creator who is utterly perfect be an angry, wrathful being? I don't believe so. Not in any sense you or I or the Psalmist could understand. I believe the words used to describe the Lord's attitude about the enemy are borne of the sinful mind of man projected onto our Holy Creator. We fumble around the best we can from our limited angle and spew our words like a broken sewer line.
What the Psalmist is trying to say in the above verses is this: God is not concerned about those who turn their backs on or come against Him. He has a plan, a perfect plan. He is God. He will do whatever He pleases. We may laugh and scoff at the enemy, God more likely is grieved, I believe. He loves and desires all come to the table of grace. Omniscient God knows that's just not going to happen.
Jesus reigns. We have a King who rules over us and offers wisdom for our survival, through the Holy Spirit. Be still, know that He is God and recognize your own limitations, and that God is limitless.
He protects those He loves and will deal with the rest in the end. That's really all we need to know.
Heavenly Father, thank You for revealing this tiny bit of insight into who You are and the vastness of Your love for us. We are in awe that You would choose us, ignorant as we are and wholly unworthy. We praise You and all that You have done and will do. We offer ourselves according to Your plans for each of us, with Your image impressed upon our very souls, to complete the good works You planned in advance for us to do. May we be tuned in and mindful of the Holy Spirit's guidance as we move through each day. In Jesus name, amen.