FaithWalkDaily January 18,2009
Psalms 4:4 Don't sin by letting anger gain control over you.Think about it overnight and remain silent.
Anger is a natural, necessary human emotion, a true gift from God. It can be a great motivator. If we had no anger, we would not act on our indignation toward abortion, slavery, abuse, and every kind of crime. Why, we probably wouldn't have any legal system for no one would care what others did. Anger is good, when controlled.
Where we run into problems is when we blow the little things out of proportion and storm around for days in our self-righteousness shutting out loved ones or friends because we refuse to let go of petty differences. That is sinful anger. When I bump my head and slam the cupboard door out of anger, that is sinful anger. When I feel outraged that "no one can ever put anything in the dishwasher correctly but me!" That is sinful anger. When my husband says "just a few more minutes," when watching sports late at night when I'm ready to go to sleep and I get angry with him rather than gently reasoning with him, that's sinful anger.
Those are just minor examples of things that tick us off which are really nonsense when you think about it. They're hardly earth moving. I'm sure you have your own list of things that make you angry which are a waste of breath and energy.
Steve and I make it a rule to kiss and make up before going to sleep every night. We refuse to go to bed angry. It's been one of the best traditions of our marriage.
Don't sin by letting anger gain control over you.Think about it overnight and remain silent. Sometimes whatever irritated us the night seems ridiculous the next day. Let it go.
Lord thank You for this wise instruction. Help us to see when is the right time to be angry and when to let go of petty complaints. Be with us today as we worship You and rest in Your love. In Jesus name we pray, amen.