February 20, 1009
Psalms 6:6 I am worn out from groaning; all night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears.
David teaches us two things in his message today:
- Cry out to God
- Write about it
I knew, even in the depths of that spiritual abyss, the way out was the way up. The way to peace was to follow my Savior. The road to contentment was marked by Scripture.
When I metaphorically grasped the hand of God by turning to His word, He pulled me up and out onto solid ground. Though dark clouds still loom on the horizon, I know the sun shines just the other side. All the tears I cried emptied the void in my soul that can only be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Even as a God-fearing Christian, I can find myself on that slippery slope of despair and tempted by all forms of "releif" on every side. There is only one true comfort that has any lasting affect on this condition - the Word of God.
I am worn out from groaning; all night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears.
Let go. Let it all hang out. Pour out your heart to God in your troubled times. Journal about what's bothering you. Write poems, songs or Psalsms in your grief. Empty your soul of all despair so the Holy Spirit can refill you with the powerful Word of God. Whatever you're going through, find your comfort in Him.
Heavenly Father, sometimes it all seems too much to bear. Yet we know, You are the God of mercy and hope. We put our trust in You and offer all our pain and sorrow at the foot of the cross, an inconsequential sacrifice compared to what You gave for our sakes. Help us to look up and take Your hand during these times, by devouring Scripture. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.