February 9, 2009
Psalms 5:12 For surely, O LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.
A few months ago I was struggling in my life and faith. It was one of those dry spells (I can now directly attribute to my own lack of attention to the Lord.) During that time I asked a number of people to pray for my son, who was causing me no end of aggravation and anxiety.
Around the same time, I committed my mornings to spend some quiet time in reflection on the word of God.
Recently, one of those who had been praying for us asked me how things are going with my son. As I thought about it, I realized, not much had changed with him, but my husband and I had drastically changed in our attitude toward him. Both of us had been getting clear messages from the Holy Spirit that we need to love him where he is, be the example of Christ, and allow God to work in his heart.
Sometimes the answers we seek are not what we expect. Often God's blessings aren't material or eloquent, but are simple yet profound.
My children's favorite book when they were little was called What-A-Mess written by Frank Muir, an enchanting story about the search for one's identity. What-a-Mess is an Afghan puppy whose real name is Prince Emir. He gets into all kinds of situations while trying to figure out what he is. By the end of the day, he goes home exhausted and collapses in his bed where his mother lovingly tends to his matted fur. She's says quietly, "What-a-Mess, you're a dear." While he dreams, a light bulb goes on, as he thinks, "That's it! I'm a deer!"
As I realized that my son is himself searching for his own identity and making quite a mess of things in the process, like the mother of Prince Emir, I've learned to say, "What-a-Mess, you're a dear."
When we align ourselves with the One who created us and seek Him daily, He takes care of our concerns for our loved ones. He protects us and them by His righteous love and mercy.
My identity is in Christ. It took me many years and a lot of messes to figure that out. As my heavenly Father is infinitely merciful, forgiving and patient with me, I too must extend the same grace to my son, as he searches for his true identity.
For surely, O LORD, you bless the righteous; God will bless us when we diligently seek His kingdom in faith. You surround them with your favor as with a shield. He protects us from the fiery darts of the enemy as we put our trust in Him.
Lord, thank You for mercy and hope through the saving blood of Christ. Help us to see Your shield over every area of our lives, as we seek first Your kingdom and receive Your blessings, often disguised in the ordinary things of life. Grant us eyes to recognize Your mighty hand in the simple things, for Your glory. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.