February 12, 2009
Psalms 6:3 My soul is in anguish. How long, O LORD, how long?
As long as it takes.
Growing roses is an art form. My mother was an avid gardener and there was nothing that pleased her more than digging in the soil, troweling, mulching, weeding, pruning, trimming, feeding, watering and squishing aphids between her fingers. There wasn't any aspect of gardening that didn't delight her.
Mid summer when the roses were blooming in bursts of brilliant color, there was always a fresh bouquet in the kitchen, the center of our lives. All the work of her hands produced lavish, fragrant blooms.
The beautiful rosebush endured fall pruning, spring frost, trimming, aphids, hail storms, and scorching sun. After many months, despite natures assaults, it produced magnificent flowers.
Don't be discouraged, have hope. God isn't finished with us yet. Whatever's left to be done, however long it takes, the end result will be perfect. He delights in the gardening, and doesn't mind getting His hands dirty. After all, He did craft Adam right from the ground. He's still picking off the bugs and trimming away dead leaves.
My soul is in anquish. How long, O LORD, how long?
As long as it takes.
Father, as You continue to work on our wretched hearts, pruning and cleansing, preparing us for heaven, we know Your ways are righteous and holy. We submit to You and wait patiently as the work is completed, knowing that He who began a good work in us, will be faithful to complete it. May we be beautiful blooms with a sweet fragrance to brighten Your kingdom! In Jesus' name we pray, amen.