
Journey Through the Psalms - 6:7

FaithWalkDaily March 17, 2009

Psalms 6:7 My eyes grow weak with sorrow; they fail because of all my foes.

David had many literal foes: wicked, hateful men who wanted him dead. Chances are, in your life, you don't have that kind of opposition.

The foes I struggle against are the kind of enemies that aren't seen, but broadcast on a dedicated static frequency in my head. My enemies have names like unrighteous anger, false guilt, exhaustion, complacency, frustration, condemnation, and hopelessness just to mention a few.

False guilt is a frequent visitor in my head. When things don't go well, regardless of the circumstances or who might be at fault, that little demon comes to life accusing me of everything. "If I'd only done this or that," I tell myself, "this terrible thing wouldn't have happened."

Another of my constant companions is condemnation. "Why bother, God doesn't hear your prayers. Don't you think He has better things to do?"

Okay, so we have these little monsters attacking us, what are we to do with them?

  • Stand on Scripture. There is no battle that can't be won with the Word of God. Hebrews 4:12 reminds us God's word is living and active, powerful and sharp, and it produces right judgement.
  • Talk to a pastor or close Christian confidant. James 5 tells us if you're in trouble confess your sins to each other and pray for one another to be healed.

We all go through difficult times, some of us more than others. But if we keep our doubts and concerns bottled up inside, never sharing them with others, they will lead to sin.

A friend of mine shared a story with me about a couple who were once active and vital members of our church. They were deacons, gave every appearance of loving the Lord and then one day just stopped coming. When people called to tell them they were missed, they responded that they no longer believed. How does that happen? My guess would be that they never spoke to anyone about whatever doubts they were having. They just kept it to themselves, probably feeding off of each other to a point where they just determined faith was fruitless.

Let's not let ourselves get to that place. If you're experiencing doubts today, or if the enemy is blasting his fiery darts from both barrels at you, remember he's the author of all lies and does not have your best interests at heart. He wants to take you down - to the depths of hell with him.

God wants to hear you cry out and seek His wisdom and comfort. He knows your heart before you even speak a word but He wants you to bring your troubles to Him. He has surrounded you with Christians who can offer wisdom and direction in wise counsel. Confess, hear the word of God, pray and move on.

My eyes grow weak with sorrow; they fail because of all my foes.

If your eyes fail to see the word of God because of the many enemies Satan has enlisted to besiege you, don't wait another minute to seek help.

Heavenly Father, O how merciful You are. You know our hearts like no one else, You know all our doubts and fears. We bring them before You this morning, acknowledging they are from the evil one and that they have no power over us. We claim Your power in the sweet name of Jesus to dispel these wicked thoughts and open our hearts to Your blessing of wisdom. Show us who to turn to with our concerns, that will hear without judging, that will use the Sword of the Spirit to guide us back to the path of righteousness, and who will love us with the heart of Christ. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms - 6:6

February 20, 1009

Psalms 6:6 I am worn out from groaning; all night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears.

David teaches us two things in his message today:

  • Cry out to God
  • Write about it
Not all that terribly long ago, I felt exactly like the Psalmist David when he wrote this verse. Everything in life just piled up to the point where I collapsed under the emotional weight and sobbed intermittently for days. I cried myself into a well of despair that so saturated my world it threatened to suck me into a morass forever.

I knew, even in the depths of that spiritual abyss, the way out was the way up. The way to peace was to follow my Savior. The road to contentment was marked by Scripture.

When I metaphorically grasped the hand of God by turning to His word, He pulled me up and out onto solid ground. Though dark clouds still loom on the horizon, I know the sun shines just the other side. All the tears I cried emptied the void in my soul that can only be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Even as a God-fearing Christian, I can find myself on that slippery slope of despair and tempted by all forms of "releif" on every side. There is only one true comfort that has any lasting affect on this condition - the Word of God.

I am worn out from groaning; all night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears.

Let go. Let it all hang out. Pour out your heart to God in your troubled times. Journal about what's bothering you. Write poems, songs or Psalsms in your grief. Empty your soul of all despair so the Holy Spirit can refill you with the powerful Word of God. Whatever you're going through, find your comfort in Him.

Heavenly Father, sometimes it all seems too much to bear. Yet we know, You are the God of mercy and hope. We put our trust in You and offer all our pain and sorrow at the foot of the cross, an inconsequential sacrifice compared to what You gave for our sakes. Help us to look up and take Your hand during these times, by devouring Scripture. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms - 6:5

February 17, 2009

Psalms 6:5 No one remembers you when he is dead. Who praises you from the grave?

It's all over when it's over.

What will your legacy be?

Will you be remembered as one who gave your all for God? Or will you be remembered as one bent on satisfying the desires of your flesh?

The older I get, the less important material things are to me and the more important pleasing God is.

When we're young, we feel invincible. We don't really consider death much. That's something that happens to other people. If you've never had cancer or faced a life-threatening disease or situation, chances are, it's too far removed to have much affect on your life.

I would challenge you today, to consider your mortality. None of us lives forever. None of us knows when or how we will die. Even if a person has a deadly disease, one still can't predict the outcome - a miraculous cure could be found, or you could die in a car accident. Only God Himself knows the hour and way our life on earth will end.

So let's ask ourselves, if it ended today, have we accomplished all that the Holy Spirit has convicted us to do?

Is there a ministry you've been meaning to support and haven't gotten around to it? Is there a person you need to make amends to? Is there something you feel you should do for your church that you've been putting off (yes, I have!) Spend some time with the Holy Spirit now, seeking God's will. Ask Him, if I had to die today, what do you want me to accomplish first Lord?

No one remembers You when he is dead. Who praises You from the grave? We cannot praise God from the grave, nor finish what's left undone.

Heavenly Father, right now, we just sit in Your presence, seeking Your will. What do You want me to accomplish today for Your glory? In Jesus' name we pray, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms - 6:4

February 16, 2009

Psalms 6:4 Turn, O LORD, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love.

Have you ever been disappointed in love?

In my youth, I knew heartbreak and disappointment more times than I could count on both hands. And just to set the record straight, I broke a few hearts myself.

Human emotions are extremely powerful and can even heighten our perceptions. A young man I met while on a business trip bound me with his love and wouldn't take no for an answer. Through letters and phone calls, he convinced me that he was "the one." On the day he was to pick me up to take me to meet his parents in another state, I awoke with a gnawing in my gut. I went to work and couldn't concentrate because this horrible feeling wouldn't let up. Somehow I just knew something was terribly wrong. When I finally got home at the end of the day, I found a note on my door. He had changed his mind and decided he didn't love me after all. I later learned he was a sociopath who had played this wicked game with countless young women, leading them up a mountain of hope and then dropping them off a cliff of despair.

Fortunately for us, while man's love often fails, God's love never does. He will never take us up the mountain to hurt us. He may well take us up the mountain to condition us, but He always protects us along the way. When we find ourselves in the arms of trouble, He delivers us.

Turn, O LORD, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love. He doesn't save us because we deserve to be saved, He saves us because of His unfailing love.

Father, we praise You with all that we are just because You are God. You are merciful and loving no matter what we do. Thank You Lord! May we be ever mindful of Your unfailing love and seek to please You, according to Your wil. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms - 6:3

February 12, 2009

Psalms 6:3 My soul is in anguish. How long, O LORD, how long?

As long as it takes.

Growing roses is an art form. My mother was an avid gardener and there was nothing that pleased her more than digging in the soil, troweling, mulching, weeding, pruning, trimming, feeding, watering and squishing aphids between her fingers. There wasn't any aspect of gardening that didn't delight her.

Mid summer when the roses were blooming in bursts of brilliant color, there was always a fresh bouquet in the kitchen, the center of our lives. All the work of her hands produced lavish, fragrant blooms.

The beautiful rosebush endured fall pruning, spring frost, trimming, aphids, hail storms, and scorching sun. After many months, despite natures assaults, it produced magnificent flowers.

Don't be discouraged, have hope. God isn't finished with us yet. Whatever's left to be done, however long it takes, the end result will be perfect. He delights in the gardening, and doesn't mind getting His hands dirty. After all, He did craft Adam right from the ground. He's still picking off the bugs and trimming away dead leaves.

My soul is in anquish. How long, O LORD, how long?

As long as it takes.

Father, as You continue to work on our wretched hearts, pruning and cleansing, preparing us for heaven, we know Your ways are righteous and holy. We submit to You and wait patiently as the work is completed, knowing that He who began a good work in us, will be faithful to complete it. May we be beautiful blooms with a sweet fragrance to brighten Your kingdom! In Jesus' name we pray, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms - 6:2

February 11, 2009

Psalms 6:2 Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am faint; O LORD, heal me, for my bones are in agony.

I awoke but couldn't open my eyes. I trembled, shivering with cold. Bright light filtered through my eyelids and every sound was amplified in my ears. Air filled my lungs though I did not breathe. Unable to move my arms and legs, my heart raced in panic. I wanted to scream but my mouth didn't work. I recognized the voice of my mother-in-law briefly, "can she hear us?"

"Yes!" I wanted to cry out, "help me!"

Someone removed tape that secured a breathing tube in my lungs. Searing pain sent shock waves through my system as the sticky tape ripped skin off my face. I wanted to scream but no sound came, my lips did not move. "Stop it!" my mind screamed at the perpetrator, "you're hurting me!"

When I realized I was completely paralyzed, panic gave way to prayer as I began to recite the twenty third Psalm in my mind. It brought me great comfort, then and in the days ahead as I began to recover from a long, disastrous back surgery.

Today, I still live with the repercussions of that horrific time in my life. And prayer is still the balm that soothes my soul.

Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am faint; O LORD, heal me, for my bones are in agony.

No one knew better than David the value of crying out to the Lord. When you can't find the words to express yourself to God, turn to the Psalms. Understand that God hears us, and He is merciful to salve our wounds with soothing words.

Whatever we experience, God is in control and He has a plan. Trust Him; pour out your heart to the One who is with you in every dark moment.

Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am faint; O LORD, heal me, for my bones are in agony. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms - 6:1

February 10, 2009

Psalms 6:1 O LORD, do not rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath.

In my youth, from ignorance and arrogance, I shunned God, even bore false witness against His holy name. I had practiced various religious creeds and in the end, turned away from all organized religion, convinced that if God ever was, he had certainly died and left us to fend for ourselves. Sadly, I openly shared my erroneous views with those I called friends.

If anyone deserves the wrath of God, it's me. Rather, He is faithful to forgive us and leads us onto the path of righteousness. Now I pray for all those I led astray, that they would hear and receive the gospel of salvation.

When we consider the amazing love of God, we are compelled to drop to our knees and worship Him! Will you, in this quiet moment alone with Him, where no one sees but God on His throne, get on your knees, lift your hands to heaven and sing sweet praises to our King?

O LORD, do not rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath. For You are merciful and full of love and compassion for your people. Receive our love and worship, hear our praises offered from our hearts. Would our worship songs be joined with choirs of angels, a sweet sound in Your ear, to glorify You in heaven. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms 5:12

February 9, 2009

Psalms 5:12 For surely, O LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.

A few months ago I was struggling in my life and faith. It was one of those dry spells (I can now directly attribute to my own lack of attention to the Lord.) During that time I asked a number of people to pray for my son, who was causing me no end of aggravation and anxiety.

Around the same time, I committed my mornings to spend some quiet time in reflection on the word of God.

Recently, one of those who had been praying for us asked me how things are going with my son. As I thought about it, I realized, not much had changed with him, but my husband and I had drastically changed in our attitude toward him. Both of us had been getting clear messages from the Holy Spirit that we need to love him where he is, be the example of Christ, and allow God to work in his heart.

Sometimes the answers we seek are not what we expect. Often God's blessings aren't material or eloquent, but are simple yet profound.

My children's favorite book when they were little was called What-A-Mess written by Frank Muir, an enchanting story about the search for one's identity. What-a-Mess is an Afghan puppy whose real name is Prince Emir. He gets into all kinds of situations while trying to figure out what he is. By the end of the day, he goes home exhausted and collapses in his bed where his mother lovingly tends to his matted fur. She's says quietly, "What-a-Mess, you're a dear." While he dreams, a light bulb goes on, as he thinks, "That's it! I'm a deer!"

As I realized that my son is himself searching for his own identity and making quite a mess of things in the process, like the mother of Prince Emir, I've learned to say, "What-a-Mess, you're a dear."

When we align ourselves with the One who created us and seek Him daily, He takes care of our concerns for our loved ones. He protects us and them by His righteous love and mercy.

My identity is in Christ. It took me many years and a lot of messes to figure that out. As my heavenly Father is infinitely merciful, forgiving and patient with me, I too must extend the same grace to my son, as he searches for his true identity.

For surely, O LORD, you bless the righteous; God will bless us when we diligently seek His kingdom in faith. You surround them with your favor as with a shield. He protects us from the fiery darts of the enemy as we put our trust in Him.

Lord, thank You for mercy and hope through the saving blood of Christ. Help us to see Your shield over every area of our lives, as we seek first Your kingdom and receive Your blessings, often disguised in the ordinary things of life. Grant us eyes to recognize Your mighty hand in the simple things, for Your glory. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms 5:11

February 7, 2009

Psalms 5:11 Let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them; Let those also who love Your name be joyful in You.

How do you know what's the right thing to do in any given circumstance?

Do you trust your own heart? God said every inclination of man's heart is evil (Gen. 8:21).

Do you look to what your friends are doing? If your best friend has an abortion does that mean it's okay to kill an unborn infant? If they smoke is it okay to smoke? If they like to get drunk, is it acceptable to be drunk? Scripture says the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and all life is precious. Therefore we have a responsibility to take care of ourselves - and the unborn.

Do you do everything by the law? Gambling is legal, does that make it right? Prostitution is legal in some places, is that right? Abortion is legal. Does that make it an acceptable practice?

What's the result of seeking your own ways and disobeying God? Guilt. Shame. Misery. Hopelessness. Dispair. Depression. Anger. Fill in the blank________________.

There's one way to go, one way to know.
God has the answers, trust Him alone.
My best inclination is often in err,
The sins of our fathers have left us impaired.

The fact is, only God can be trusted. Our best judgment will lead us wrong every time. But Jesus promised us a counselor when He ascended to the right hand of the Father and Jesus never lied. The Holy Spirit lives in each one of us, every minute of every day. If we quiet ourselves for a moment, we can hear His sweet voice directing us. Let's listen now...

Let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them; Let those also who love Your name be joyful in You.

Heavenly Father, our trust is in You, our joy is in You. All the ways of man are corrupt but You have given Your very heart within our souls to guide and direct us according to Your plans and purposes. If we but quiet ourselves to hear that still small voice within, the way is clear. Thank You Lord, that you didn't just leave us here to fend for ourselves, but have provided all that we need, right within our grasp. In You we trust. In Jesus' name, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms - 5:10

Psalms 5:10 Declare them guilty, O God! Let their intrigues be their downfall. Banish them for their many sins, for they have rebelled against you.

Is there someone you just can't stand - even wish...I won't say it, you know where I'm going.

There was a business owner who did her own television commercials here in the past. She really bugged me. Never mind that I didn't even know her. Every time I saw her commercials I would think to myself, and sometimes say aloud, "she's such a phony, I wish she'd go away."

She did. Last year she died from some sort of cancer. Now I know my negative feelings about her had nothing to do with her death and I certainly never prayed for any such thing. But needless to say, I feel terrible every time I see commercials for her business without her in them. I think to myself what I jerk I am for judging someone I never even met.

The fact is, there are plenty of people in this world who deserved to be judged and maybe don't deserve to live. Yet you and I have no right to judge them. That's up to God. I'm not saying courtrooms are against God's will. On the contrary, God tells us to obey the laws of our lands. I'm talking about judging in our hearts.

Lately I've been doing a lot of research on family history which has brought long buried memories to the surface. Twenty years ago I was a sinner living in sin. I didn't deserve the blessings of God. But I thought I was a good person. After years as a Christian, lots of Scripture study and seeking the kingdom of God, I'm not the same person I was twenty or thirty years ago. I'm sure there were plenty of people who judged me an unfit human being in those days, who might rather have seen me dead than stand in the same bar with me.

Praise God He's in control and not us. David takes a pretty harsh stance against his enemies. But by the grace of God, there go I. I would not call down the wrath of God on anyone. God will deal with those who live in their sin. Rather, I would pray, that they be saved.

Declare them guilty, O God! Let their intrigues be their downfall. Banish them for their many sins, for they have rebelled against you. I say, banish the "old them" and renew their hearts with Jesus!

Father, we ourselves are unworthy to come into Your presence. Yet by the blood of our Savior, He has made a way that we have an open door to Your throne room. Thank You that you haven't banished us for our myriad sins and that we have the Holy Spirit to convict us and help us get back onto the right path. We pray now for our enemies, that their hearts would be changed, that they would know Your blessings and seek Your kingdom through Jesus our Lord. In Your name we pray, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms - 5:9

FaithWalkDaily February 3, 2009

Psalms 5:9 Not a word from their mouth can be trusted; their heart is filled with destruction. Their throat is an open grave; with their tongue they speak deceit.

Who is your enemy?

I don't know about you, but as I read these words taken out of context from the Psalm, the times and the writer, I imagine a guttural voice spilling from a heart filled with loathing.

Never mind that it was written by David while in hiding as Saul was hot on the trail after him. This is a prayer from his heart, to Almighty God, seeking protection and guidance from those who would harm him. And he spoke the truth about Saul who had gone mad and certainly had the grave in mind for David. David, the faithful servant and best friend of Saul's son Jonathan.

How often do we feel betrayed - by a boss, family member, one we thought was a friend who turned on us suddenly for no apparent reason.

The world is full of evil. But today I want to talk about the evil in my own home. Ninety percent of the time I have to question my own motives. Let that soak in for a minute.

Are you honest with yourself? That old adage about being our own worst enemy is more than cliche. Nothing gets us more entangled in a web of trouble than our own best judgment.

There are also times when God allows the wicked to oppress us, to tread through refining fires that bring out the shining image of God in us. As painful as they are, we must understand, accept and even praise God for those times.

Because I've recently gone through some major refining and can still taste the flames, the spiritual growth I've experienced is fresh in my mind and empowering. But in time, as always, what God has done will fade away; complacency is insidious and will wait patiently for my weak moment.

Perhaps complacency is one of our worst enemies. It finds us strolling along with our guard down when we can easily be blindsided by the enemy who bowls us over and leaves us flat, questioning all that is righteous and holy.

For that reason, it's important that we be prepared at all times for the worst that can happen, by storing the Word of God in our hearts. When all is well, we praise God. When all is not well we need to praise Him even more. Thank Him for the trials that are sharpening you, making you a more effective Christian. We can't teach others what we don't know.

The greatest defense against our enemy is righteousness. When we stand firm in God's ways, we have nothing to fear. As Solomon said in the opening Proverb, fear of God is the beginning of knowledge. Fear as in awe: unrequited respect, honor, and adoration. We know that God knows what's best, God is perfect, and He wants only that we experience His goodness. The reason He allows us to walk through those fiery times is absolutely for our own good. If we are to receive the full measure of His blessings, we must constantly keep ourselves in check, watching for the next move, carefully calculating the way to go.

God will direct. We must listen. Jesus showed the way.

My mantra this year is Psalms 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." We must first listen.

In order to hear God, we have to make room in our noisy heads. Recently I considered a certain ministry position. My head kept telling me to go forward and offer the sacrifice of time and service. My gut said pray and wait because although I saw a need and thought I could fill it, I wanted confirmation from the Holy Spirit. I spoke to a number of people who were anxious for me to accept the position.

Two things stopped me. One was my Pastor who said "the question is not just whether your gifting fits the position, but are you called?" Just the fact that he asked the question made me begin to sense a definite "no" from the Lord. In the past when I'd questioned him about a certain leaning in ministry he emphatically encouraged me to go forth. The other indication was my husband who said, "if you're not getting a definite yes or no, perhaps God is saying 'wait.'" I knew then this was not my time to serve the post in question. Steve has always been very discerning when I struggle with a decision. I declined the position with peace in my heart.

The following Sunday my decision was confirmed in a powerful way.

Let's not be our own enemy, make a liar of ourselves, jump into things without great consideration, much prayer, and most importantly the leading of the Holy Spirit. The enemy would love to lead us down the wrong path - even a right path that is wrong for us - in order to keep us from going where the Holy Spirit leads in accordance with God's purposes.

Not a word from their mouth can be trusted; Trust only God's word.

Their heart is filled with destruction. Satan will use even what's good to work against God's plans. We must be discerning. Take time to pray, consider, seek the kingdom of God. He will show you the way if you're patient and attentive.

Their throat is an open grave; with their tongue they speak deceit. Don't let your own tongue fool you or others. Be sure you know what you believe and don't make false confessions. You can worship God anywhere and don't have to agree with every tenet of a church to be on holy ground. But let your yes be yes and your no be no. Seek the wisdom of God on all occasions.

We tell ourselves it's impossible to walk the path that Jesus did. We must stop lying to ourselves. That simply is not true. Fall in behind the One who knows what you're going through because He wants to lead you through it with grace, mercy and victory. The blessings will abound!

Heavenly Father, help us in our unbelief. We say we want to be righteous and then continue to do things our own way. Forgive us Lord! Grant us the wisdom to be discerning, to seek Your will for each of our lives and to be willing to fall in behind Jesus. Holy Spirit, continue to convict our hearts and teach us Your ways, that we will not fall prey to the master of all liars who turns us aside so subtly, we don't even see his hand on ours. In God alone we trust. In Jesus' perfect name we pray, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms 5:8

FaithWalkDaily February 2, 2009

Psalms 5:8 Lead me, O LORD, in your righteousness because of my enemies — make straight your way before me.

We had some work that needed to be done in a rental property and hired the services of a man from our church who has a remodeling business. There were some problems with the work and I was really angry when he billed us. The house went vacant for nearly a year as we waited for the work to be finished. We ended up doing a great deal of it ourselves. Despite the incomplete and shabby work which he'd promised us to finish and make right, but didn't, he hounded us for the final payment.

For months I seethed over this issue, letting it affect my prayer life and my relationship with the Lord. My husband forbade me to confront the man. This only fueled my fire until one day I sat down and wrote the man a letter. I justified mailing it in that I hadn't spoken to him, only shared my feelings in writing, convinced I would never be able to let it go if I didn't get it off my chest. I was also certain he needed to hear my complaints because most of them were concerning those he employed, whom I felt were taking advantage of him and denigrating his business.

Every Sunday after I mailed the letter of complaint I avoided his family at church and never told my husband what I'd done. We finally got the house rented and things settled down.

This past Sunday, before I could accept communion, I was convicted that I needed to make amends for my anger and resentment and ask forgiveness for my complaints. I went to the man and his wife and apologized and asked their forgiveness, which they willingly gave. We all shed a fear tears and wounds began to heal in the love of Jesus.

Lead me, O LORD, in your righteousness because of my enemies — make straight your way before me.

Lead me in righteousness because of my enemies. Because I'm a screw up, a sinner, and I'm going to go the wrong way every time! Make straight YOUR way before me. No matter how bad I mess up, I can always count on God to clear the way and straighten things out.

Heavenly Father, forgive my debt of sin as I forgive the debt of those who sin against me. Make straight the way before me in Your righteousness that I will handle my problems with grace and mercy just as You deal with me. In love and praise I seek You in the name of my Savior Jesus, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms 5:7

FaithWalkDaily January 31, 2009

Psalms 5:7 But I, by your great mercy, will come into your house; in reverence will I bow down toward your holy temple.

John 2:21 But the temple he had spoken of was his body.

1 Corinthians 3:16 Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?

Some believe they must go to a great cathedral, built with reverence and awe for Almighty God, in order to worship. Some believe they must be in a church, a sanctuary, a place set apart for God. We certainly need to be in fellowship with other belivers and corporate worship is important for strengthening our faith, but we are not required to go to a church or temple for worship.

Clearly, We are told that the new covenant overrides the old and what God desires most is relationship with His people. He has sent the very Holy Spirit, by the blood of Jesus, right into our hearts to take up residence. We are now the cathedral, the holy place, the sanctuary.

What an amazing image that is to me. From heaven on high, God our Father and Creator, pours out the holiest blood of all, the blood of the Lamb Jesus, right into our hearts, filling us with His Holy Spirit. Himself in us. When He died for our sins, His blood became comingled with ours. He now lives in those of us who have accepted Him.

Now, let's look at what David is saying again, applying it with the new covenant in Jesus. By Your great mercy (my loving father,) I will come into Your house (my soul inhabits this body belonging to Christ.) In reverence I will bow down in Your holy temple (I will respect this flesh and blood as the very body of Jesus Himself.)

Better perspective? Now, let's ask ourselves, how are we doing in our housekeeping?

I have struggled with a lifelong habit of chewing my fingernails and picking at the skin around them. This is not only unsightly, it is destructive to both fingers and teeth. Recently (again) I've been convicted that this is unholy and disrespectful and I'm committed to stopping. It seems like it would be easy but it's been a habit for so long I do it without even thinking. Just like quitting smoking, drinking, and overeating, I can overcome this destructive behavior with the help of the Holy Spirit, who wants me to stop. I know that anything I do which is disrespectful of this body, disrespects my Lord who created me.

But I, by your great mercy, will come into your house; in reverence will I bow down toward your holy temple. O Lord, help me clean house and make this a righteous sanctuary for Your goodness and mercy. Grant me the power to overcome my weakness and take care of this body to honor and glorify You. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms - 5:6

FaithWalkDaily January 30, 2009

Psalms 5:6 You destroy those who tell lies; bloodthirsty and deceitful men the LORD abhors.

My father was not a very nice man. He oozed charm like Ted Bundy, charisma like Hannibal Lecter, was beguiling like Lucifer. He had an uncanny ability to draw people into his presence and then like the infamous Jekyll/Hyde, he became a monster.

I was very small when my parents divorced and we moved to another state, far from my father's grasp. He made no attempt to visit and my mother didn't even pursue the child support he owed her just to maintain distance. Because I was so young when the break-up occurred, I didn't remember much about my dad and often asked questions. I mostly remembered his goodness, his smile, sparkling blue eyes and cajoling ways. When I would ask my mother why he never called or visited, she would say something like "your father was wounded in the war and never quite recovered. He was a good man who had problems. It's best he doesn't visit."

As an adult, I finally wheedled out most of the truth from her and my siblings, although there were still gaps. Even so, I longed to know him, longed for him to humbly beg forgiveness for the hurt he'd inflicted on my family. That never happened.

I've come to realize my mother did the right thing in answer to my childish questions. There was no need to denigrate this already damaged human being. She need not tell me horror stories or that he was unworthy of our love. In time, his lack of contact and unwillingness to repent, told as much of the story as I needed to hear.

He was about as bloodthirsty and deceitful a human being as ever there was. There was nothing my mother could do or say to punish him because she knew, in the end, he would answer to Almighty God.

I'm not angry anymore and I don't hate the man. I pity him that he lived alone with his dirt and died without love. He had no idea what life could have been like. As one long-term family friend recently put it to me, he refused to concede that a power greater than himself could restore him to sanity.

You destroy those who tell lies; bloodthirsty and deceitful men the LORD abhors. It doesn't much matter what men think of us. The only thing that matters is how we present ourselves to God.

Heavenly Father, it's sad that my earthly father was such a broken man. I truly pity him. Thank You that we all have a second chance, that You're a God of mercy and love, and that when we repent, the blood of Jesus covers all our sin. Thank You Jesus for paying the price for me and all who are seek the kingdom of God. Thank You Holy Spirit for guiding my way and keeping me on the path of righteousness. Be my strength and my light today. In Jesus' name, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms - 5:5

FaithWalkDaily January 29, 2009

Psalms 5:5 The boastful shall not stand in Your sight; You hate all workers of iniquity. NKJV

The arrogant cannot stand in your presence; You hate all who do wrong. NIV

One of the greatest difficulties I face in my daily walk with Jesus is overcoming pride. If we're honest with ourselves, pride is really at the root of every problem of mankind.

Pride keeps a nation's leader from hearing the wisdom of others. Pride makes the alcoholic think he can drink and drive. Pride gives a CEO the green light to make foolish decisions that cost hundreds of workers their jobs. Pride fuels the bully who picks on weaker kids. Pride causes people to live outside their means and has caused our economic collapse.

At the root of pride is fear. Fear of failure. Fear of being hurt either physically or emotionally. Fear of the judgment of others. Fear of loss. And on it goes.

Years ago I worked in photo processing. I mixed chemicals, processed film, managed a darkroom, printed photographs and accomplished a wide array of related tasks. I was convinced no on could do the job better. The first to arrive and the last to leave, I never let a job out of the door until I was satisfied it was perfect. Coworkers resented me when I was given merit raises and promotions. They probably talked about the chocolate color of my nose behind my back. But I knew I deserved the recognition because I worked harder than everyone else. I didn't do it for my boss, for raises or recognition. It was necessary for my survival.

Inside, I never felt like I measured up to any of my coworkers. They were better looking, better educated, more experienced, had better relationships, better marriages, better kids...

My life revolved around my work. When I was hurt on the job and could no longer do what I loved and felt secure with, I never quite recovered emotionally. I now understand that God took that away from me for my own good. The pride of my work had become my idol.

Now I'm learning to see through the lenses of Scripture, how to have self-confidence without pride. How to be humble without thinking myself worthless. This is a huge change in my heart. It's like walking a tight-rope for me. On the one hand God has given me certain gifts to be used for His glory. On the other, I cannot take any credit for the work of the Holy Spirit. This is a constant balancing act.

When I'm working in the will of the Father, things flow in a steady current and I'm content in all circumstances. I can tell when I'm operating from pride - that's when Murphy's law takes over.

God abhors sin and doesn't tolerate self-elevated people. Is there pride in your life that's blocking the way for the flow of God's blessings?

Heavenly Father, You alone are worthy of all honor and glory. We come before you humbly today and ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind any areas of pride we need to confess....
Forgive us our iniquity, cleanse our hearts, purify our minds, prepare the way for us to walk in peace with our Savior. May we be the best at what we do, speak words that honor You, and live in such a way that the world sees the light of Jesus in us. Grant us confidence in all humility and let us only boast in the saving grace of Jesus. In His name we pray, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms - 5:4

FaithWalkDaily January 17, 2009

Psalms 5:4 For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness, nor shall evil dwell with You.

Have you ever heard someone say, "God gave us pleasure, He wants us to enjoy ourselves," in order to justify their sins?

This might be the enticement of a young man trying to convince his date that sex outside marriage is okay. Or perhaps a person who wants to take drugs, smoke cigarettes, eat or drink excessively for enjoyment. The fact is, questionable or harmful behavior that falls outside the instructions God gave us through His word, is sinful. God abhors any conduct that is unholy or irreverent. We are the guardians of our bodies, which are the temple of the Holy Spirit. For us to abuse them is sinful. God knows what's best for us.

No evil dwells with God. When Satan rebelled and sought glory for himself, he and all his minions were cast out of heaven. God cannot tolerate rebellion. He alone is worthy to be praised. He is the Creator of all things, vastly beyond our reckoning. We can't even fathom His greatness.

If God gives a command, it is for our protection, our blessing and our unity with Him. He does not take pleasure in wickedness nor keep company with evil.

Lord, we are not worthy to speak Your name. Still You open Your throne-room and invite us to sit with You. Thank You for allowing us the grace to grow into the holy men and women You've created us to be, at whatever pace each of us is able to manage. Thank You for Your Word that guides us, the Holy Spirit to prompt us and the sacrifice of our Savior to cover our sins. cleanse us of all iniquity and help us to keep our eyes heavenward today. In Jesus' name, amen.


God's Outstanding Achievements

FaithWalkDaily today

Man sets the standards for normal.
God sets the standard for outstanding.
After I watched this video, I wept, feeling utterly unworthy of the ground that supports me. In Nick, I see the work of God. Perhaps the very soul of God.

And then it hit me, how we humans stand in judgment of one another. God have mercy on us all. Jesus warned us not to judge one another lest we be judged. And we will be judged - by our thoughts, attitudes, actions, and inactions. We will all be judged.

I thought of how the world looks at art. Some abstracts that are just downright disturbing are considered of great value. A man can make a scupture lacking parts, distoring others, and people say, "wow, isn't that wonderful?"

Yet when God creates a living sculpture that has no eyes, is "missing" limbs, or doesn't look like our standard of "normal," we cringe, turn away, feel pity.

Who are we to say what's beautiful or perfect? Who are we, specs of nothingness in this vast universe, to say our Creator made a mistake or that a person shouldn't have been born?

Who are we to say anyone has the right to choose?

Did the pigments of Picasso have a right to stay in the tubes? The canvas have a right to refuse the paint? The mediums of Robert Graham make themselves unyielding to his tools?

Human beings are so full of themselves. We know little. We are like children who would feast on candy corn rather than broccoli without our parents to guide us.

God embraces every witless savant, every palsied being, every malformed creature, for they are the works of His hands.

Whether "abnormalities" are the result of sin: abuse of sex, food, medicine, nature, chemicals, waste, and engineering; or simply all part of God's plan, to see Nick is a reminder to me that we are simple-minded and self absorbed and really haven't a clue.

Anyone who presumes to know the mind of God is utterly deluded.

Isaiah 40:28 The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.

God is beyond our understanding, but not beyond our reach. (John 14:6)

Lord strengthen our faith in this crazy world that denies Your deity. The world trusts there is air to breath though we do not see it. They trust we are anchored to the earth we walk upon though we see no gravity. They trust scientists who pour out fairy-tale theories like over-sweetened Kool-aid with no substance, yet they doubt the very Creator of the universe. Open the eyes of the world Father, light our way! have mercy on us in our ignorance. In Jesus' name, amen.

Journey Through the Psalms - 5:3

FaithWalk Daily January 26, 2009

Psalms 5:3 In the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation.

What comes out of my mouth in the morning? Is it “Good morning God?” Or “Oh God, it’s morning!” Do I come to Him first thing with praises, thanksgiving and confession or pour out a list of demands to my King? What should our disposition be when we come to God? He hears my voice, so how shall I present myself? Would it bless Him to hear praise verses? A recitation of the one hundredth Psalm?

Whatever comes from my mouth should be a sweet sound in my Father's ear. He has given me a night of rest and security, and deserves my praise and thanks.

Was there any transgression from the day before I failed to confess at the time? It’s good to take inventory, sit quietly and consider whether I'm rightly prepared to come into the throne-room of almighty God, or if I need to seek forgiveness.

When my heart is cleansed, after I have given Him the honor and glory He is due, when I’ve thanked him for all his blessings and mercy, then I might humbly present my petitions, asking according to His will. Nothing I desire is worth having if it’s not of God’s choosing. He knows what’s best for my life and what will bring glory to Jesus.

In the morning I want Him to be pleased at the sound of my voice. Then when I am still in His presence, waiting on my King, my expectations are full of hope.

Father, You are majestic in heaven and earth - you alone are worthy of all honor, glory and praise. Forgive us for all the blunders we’ve failed to acknowledge:

Give us the strength to face the challenges of the day with grace. May all we do honor You. Thank You for the multitude of blessings in our lives:

We ask that You pour out every provision we need according to Your plans and purposes that our lives would glorify You. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.


FaithWalkDaily January 23, 2009

Psalms 5:1-2 Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation. 2 Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto thee will I pray.

The heart and tone of these verses as translated in the ancient King James English has such a lovely ring to me. The psalmist David cries, "hear my heart God of gods, King of kings, consider my thoughts. Listen to the sound of my plea, there is none I trust but You!"

I have heard it said that God can read our minds, He knows our every thought. Satan is not a mind-reader. God is omniscient, fully cognizant at all times of every thought, word and action of mankind. The devil is nothing more than a created being. He is not the equal or counter to God. He is simply an enemy of our Holy Creator.

The enemy knows we struggle against sin and he will do all he can to lure us into his snares. When we verbalize our fears, anger, and desires, he is attentive, storing up knowledge of our weaknesses to use against us.

As young David hid in caves on the run from Saul, he had plenty of time for thinking and praying. He would have been stealthy, silent, so as not to be discovered by his enemy.

I'm a very transparent person and have always bared my soul at will to whomever would listen. One day a dear and godly sister-in-Christ said to me, "Annee, wisdom cautions us to be careful who we share our hearts with. Not everyone treasures our concerns as they should. Things will get twisted in the telling and retelling."

Sometimes it's best to just be still and know that God is God. Don't reveal all the secrets of your heart to the enemy. Send your concerns out to the One who knows your heart. Meditate on Scripture, for God's word is full of wisdom which brings comfort and encouragement and gives us strength to stand against the devil's schemes. God hears and honors our silent meditations.

We may have close friends who know us and understand what we're going through whom we feel safe to share what's going on with us. There is a right time and place for opening up and there are times to be quiet. Wisdom cautions us to be discerning. We should consider carefully before speaking, sharing our meditations with the LORD alone as the Spirit leads. He will direct our paths according to what's best for us.

O LORD my God, give ear to my words and consider my meditation today. Hear the cry of my heart, sweet Jesus. To God alone and in your name I bring my needs and desires. You know my heart. Cleanse me from all iniquity, protect me from the enemy, guide me in paths of righteousness for Your name's sake. Thy will be done. In Jesus' name, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms - 4:8

FaithWalkDaily January 22, 2009

Psalms 4:8 I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.

Here in the United States, we live, for the most part, in relative safety. There are thousands of criminals out there just waiting to take our hard earned money, drug addicts desperate and dangerous, fools who drink and drive, road rage on our freeways, and serial killers hiding among us. Yet we don't think of any of them in our day to day living. When we hear a horror story on the news about someone who was raped or murdered, rarely does it touch our lives in a personal way.

But over the ocean Israel and Palestine are at war. Our own sons and daughters fight a holy war in Iraq against terrorists we cannot find. Africa is frayed by war in various areas. The Irish are still killing each other. And on it goes.

There is devastation here and misery there, though we try to ignore it. The constant threat of foreign terrorism striking our own soil hides in the depths of all of our minds.

Yet though all dreadful manner of violence goes on from day to day, we will lie down and sleep in peace. The LORD alone makes us dwell in safety.

Does that mean we cannot be harmed? What about those who died in 911? Or those who die daily because of war in foreign lands or violence at home?

David isn't saying he can't die, that nothing bad can happen to us. He's saying, I live in peace because I know my Savior lives. This is not my home, but a temporary stop. God is sovereign and whatever happens to me today, it's in His hands and He knows best. We dwell in safety. Our final dwelling place is beyond pain and suffering.

Holy God, we are not worthy to say Your name, yet You love us and care for us no matter what. Forgive us our short-sightedness. Forgive us that we take so much for granted. Thank You Lord that You're always in control, though we are not. We can sleep and walk through our days in peace knowing You've got our backs. May the words of our mouths, the meditations of our hearts, and our every action today be a blessing that brings honor and glory to You. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms - 4:7

FaithWalkDaily January 21, 2009

Psalms 4:7 You have filled my heart with greater joy than when the grain and new wine abound.

Translated to language I can relate to, that reads like: You bring me more joy than the perfect conditions that create a flawless photograph.

As I began to meditate on this verse, the doorbell rang. The next thirty minutes were spent dealing with a delivery that wasn't right.

We human beings are subject to mistakes. Last week a weary over-worked delivery driver dumped all her problems on me as I did my best to listen and bring a little cheer to her situation (she wasn't receptive.) This week I had a sweet driver and a messed up order.

It took me several minutes to calm down enough to call the company so I could straighten things out without being a jerk to the person on the phone. Being in control of my emotions is a blessing that brings sweet satisfaction.

This is a new concept for me. The ability to deal with people in a Christ-like way comes as a result of stopping to pray, forgive, and approach the situation with grace. It only happens when I'm daily in God's word, connected to the One who makes no mistakes.

When the light is perfect, the weather cooperates, and the waterfall roars into a richly hued lake, it's like all the pieces of the puzzle fit perfectly and for that moment I'm happy. How wonderful to know that true joy is not found in the things of this world, which often fail to meet our expectations.

My real joy is in the Lord, who fills my heart with greater joy than when the conditions, the subject and the backdrop all come together in perfect harmony for the camera lens.

O Lord, You have filled my heart with greater joy than when the grain and new wine abound. May I be a willing vessel to pour out your grace for others, to be salt and light in a weary, sin-filled world. In Jesus' name, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms - 4:6,7

FaithWalkDaily January 20, 2009

Psalms 4:6-7
6 Many people say, "Who will show us better times?" Let the smile of your face shine on us, LORD. 7 You have given me greater joy than those who have abundant harvests of grain and wine.

God is sovereign, that is so evident. Today is one of great historic significance. The first "African American" president will be sworn into office.

Many people have put their hopes in Barack Obama to save them from the mess we've gotten ourselves into. The problem is, it took us many, many years to get to this place. It wasn't the previous administration that caused the economic decline, it was flat out, pure and simple, uninhibited greed.

Over the past couple decades, there have been hundreds of books written on becoming a millionaire, late night info-mercials guaranteeing riches and glamour through real estate investments, and a multitude of other enticing promises of wealth and freedom.

We bought into it, lock stock and, as the new movie is called, both barrels. Now that the gun is pointing at our faces, we suddenly scream innocence, blame others and look for someone else to get us out of the red.

Let me clue you in, Barack Obama is not the answer to anyone's prayers. However, we must be faithful to send up fervent prayers on his behalf and on behalf of our entire nation.

We must begin by falling on our faces and begging God's forgiveness for seeking the riches of this world rather than the inheritance of heaven. We have made materialism our god and the Lord is withdrawing His blessings for this great nation. If we continue on our present course without repentance, we are doomed. 2 Chronicles 7:14, 15

Many people say, "Who will show us better times?"Let the smile of your face shine on us, LORD. You have given me greater joy than those who have abundant harvests of grain and wine. You O Lord and no other, are worthy of all honor, glory and praise. Forgive us Father for trying to make things happen for ourselves, for thinking we deserved more and could have it. For turning to man's ways rather than looking to You, our source of all that is good. Thank You for grace, for Your forgiveness. Hear our cry now as we repent and turn back to You. We put our hopes in no other. Show us Your mercy, guide us again in paths of righteousness. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

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Journey Through the Psalms 4:5

FaithWalkDaily January 19, 2009

Psalms 4:5 Offer right sacrifices and trust in the LORD.

What, pray tell, Lord Jesus, is a right sacrifice?

Jesus presented Himself, the perfect lamb, as a sin offering on behalf of all mankind. He is, was, ever shall be, the final blood sacrifice. No longer are we required to place an animal on the altar and follow rituals, to send a sweet fragrant offering to God Most High, to please or appease Him.

So again, what is a right sacrifice today? I'm no scholar and without adequate time to research what our Savior said on the subject, what I'm suggesting is based on years of reading Scripture, observing the life of Jesus through the word and growing in faith; a conglomerate of information, if you will. I'm also relying on the Holy Spirit for guidance here.

Jesus went from town to town spreading the good news, preparing the people to receive the King of Kings. He sacrificed his time and energy at great cost to himself for the years of his ministry before His crucifixion.
  • He lived mostly away from family and friends
  • He was often subjected to hunger, ridicule and driven out of town
  • He was called on to work miracles night and day to the point of exhaustion
  • He withdrew to quiet places alone to pray
  • He taught his disciples constantly by His actions
  • He fed the hungry
  • He never asked for money, but reminded His disciples of the importance of good stewardship
  • He was tempted to the nth degree and never succumbed to Satan's extortion
  • He demonstrated unconditional love
  • He protected children
  • He loved the unlovable
  • He cared for the oppressed

I could probably go on with this list for a long while as I picture the many stories in the New Testament of ways Jesus sacrificed during his lifetime. These are our examples.

Let's ask ourselves today, what right sacrifices are we making to our Heavenly Father who deserves infinitely more than we can fathom for His eternal love?

  • Am I coming to Him first thing every day, to praise, worship and thank Him?
  • Am I doing my best to live according to His plans and purposes for my life?
  • Am I quieting my soul in order to hear the direction of the Holy Spirit?
  • Am I watching for open doors and sharing the gospel whenever the opportunity arises?
  • Am I caring for the needy, the helpless, the infirm, the widow, the orphan, the saints?
  • Am giving back to God what He has given me, and following the laws of the land according to His commands?
  • Am I imprinting Scripture on my heart to call to mind when I need it?

I firmly believe when we offer right sacrifices, we can trust in God knowing we present ourselves as a sweet and fragrant offering for God's glory.

Offer right sacrifices and trust in the LORD.

* Let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them; let those also who love Your name be joyful in You. For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; with favor You will surround him as with a shield.

Receive our right offerings, Lord, in the name of Jesus, amen.

* Psalms 5:11-12


Journey Through the Psalms - 4:4

FaithWalkDaily January 18,2009

Psalms 4:4 Don't sin by letting anger gain control over you.Think about it overnight and remain silent.

Anger is a natural, necessary human emotion, a true gift from God. It can be a great motivator. If we had no anger, we would not act on our indignation toward abortion, slavery, abuse, and every kind of crime. Why, we probably wouldn't have any legal system for no one would care what others did. Anger is good, when controlled.

Where we run into problems is when we blow the little things out of proportion and storm around for days in our self-righteousness shutting out loved ones or friends because we refuse to let go of petty differences. That is sinful anger. When I bump my head and slam the cupboard door out of anger, that is sinful anger. When I feel outraged that "no one can ever put anything in the dishwasher correctly but me!" That is sinful anger. When my husband says "just a few more minutes," when watching sports late at night when I'm ready to go to sleep and I get angry with him rather than gently reasoning with him, that's sinful anger.

Those are just minor examples of things that tick us off which are really nonsense when you think about it. They're hardly earth moving. I'm sure you have your own list of things that make you angry which are a waste of breath and energy.

Steve and I make it a rule to kiss and make up before going to sleep every night. We refuse to go to bed angry. It's been one of the best traditions of our marriage.

Don't sin by letting anger gain control over you.Think about it overnight and remain silent. Sometimes whatever irritated us the night seems ridiculous the next day. Let it go.

Lord thank You for this wise instruction. Help us to see when is the right time to be angry and when to let go of petty complaints. Be with us today as we worship You and rest in Your love. In Jesus name we pray, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms - 4:3

FaithWalkDaily January 17, 2009

Psalms 4:3 Know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself; the LORD will hear when I call to him.

First I have to understand what it means to be godly. God gave Moses ten commandments to share with his people. They were simple really, and encompassed all common sense that tells us how to get along on planet earth and live in peace. The first three tell us to worship only YHWH, not to make any kind of idols and not to use His name in vain. Then he tells us to set aside a day of rest and worship. He tells us to respect our parents, not to murder, cheat, steal, lie or envy. They're all pretty basic. Don't commit adultery means don't commit adultery. Does it really need further explanation? Rest on the Sabbath means rest on the Sabbath.

People began to question those ten commandments and the next thing you know, there's a book of rules from here to the moon that the people were expected to adhere to or suffer the consequences. Punishment for disobedience ranged from being shunned for a few days to being stoned to death. It got so convoluted that people began to worship their actions, not the one they acted for. In other words, they were walking around looking godly but having no relationship with God.

When Jesus lived and walked among us, he simplified things even further. He said, love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:37-39, Mark 12:30,31.) Common sense tells us this encompasses all the commandments. To honor and glorify God is as simple as treating one another with respect. Take care of God's creation.

Now that we have a clear understanding of what it means to be godly, let's look at what it means to be set apart for God. This analogy my seem a little far fetched but hang with me for a minute. We have a watering can to water our plants. We use dishes to serve our meals. We have clothes to keep us warm. These things have specific purposes for our use. In the same way, we are vessels filled with the Holy Spirit to carry out the purposes of God. We are all unique and each serves a specific need.

When I open myself to the direction of the Holy Spirit, the Lord will hear when I call Him. When my purpose is in alignment with God's plans, I will know how to pray. It's not about gong to Him to beg for what I want, it's about going to Him to offer myself for His purposes. He hears and fills me with what I need to accomplish whatever He intends for me. True joy results from obedience. He will hear when we call, for we are connected through submission to His will.

Know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself; the LORD will hear when I call to him.

Heavenly Father, I am Yours, set apart to do Your will. I humbly bow before Your throne of grace, seeking direction. Thank You for Jesus and the Holy Spirit, to teach me Your ways and give me guidance. Thank You for all that I have and for all that I lack for You have provided exactly what I need for Your purposes. Forgive me for falling short and holding back. Forgive me for not taking the time to meditate on Your word when I need to. Hear me now Father as I seek Your will and Your way in my life. I open myself to the Holy Spirit to pour into me all that You would have me pour out to the world to bring the lost into the light of Christ for Your glory. In Jesus name, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms - 4:1,2

FaithWalk Daily January 16, 2009

Psalm 4:1-2 Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer.

How long, O men, will you turn my glory into shame? How long will you love delusions and seek false gods?

David teaches us that it is right to cry out to God in our hour of need. He reflects the heart of God that grieves for His people who foolishly put their hope in idols, physical icons, rather than the One who saved them again and again.

While we cry out for our nation, praying for our new leaders in Washington and asking God to bless our nation again, we need to face the mirror.

What are our idols? Where do we put our hope? Do you hope in investments? A television faith healer? The guy who made millions who invites you to seek the financial prosperity you long for? Is it a lottery ticket? Sports? Your children? Sin?

Whatever you put first in your life, even your own spouse, becomes an idol. If God is not first in our lives, He cannot bless us. Like Abraham when he laid his son Isaac on the altar, we must be willing to let go of that which is most precious to us to gain that which God wants to bless us with.
Today, let's take a few moments to look in the mirror and do some honest soul searching. Let's get to the source of our impediment and root it out to make room for what God has in store.

Heavenly Father, You are holy and perfect, there is none like You. There is no other. We lay before the foot of the cross these idols we have bowed down to. May the blood of our Savior rain down from heaven and wash them away, cleansing and renewing us. Forgive us our foolishness. We offer ourselves, a living sacrifice, willing vessels to be filled with the purposes of the Holy Spirit in total obedience. In the name of Jesus we pray, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms - 3:7,8

FaithWalkDaily January 15, 2009

Psalms 3:7-8 Arise, O LORD! Deliver me, O my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked. From the LORD comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people.

As I read these verses a few times this morning, savoring them, the phrase that impressed me was David's prayer for blessing.

I've become starkly aware over the past ten years of the moral decline of our country and what seems to be the withdrawal of God's blessings from this nation. During the pre-election frenzy, my constant and fervent prayer was that our nation would fall to its knees, repent and turn back to God so that His blessings would once again flow on us.

Some think God didn't answer our prayers for the right man in the white house. I don't agree. I know there were a lot of Christians praying for the outcome of this election. Just because we may not see Obama as necessarily a Bible believing Christian, he calls himself a Christian. Does he stand firm for all that conservative Christians believe? No, certainly not, especially on the issues of abortion and stem cell research.

However, that doesn't mean he can't be convinced to look at what God says about the sanctity of life. Either way, we can't put our hopes in one man. If we express ourselves to the new administration (and I pray the Holy Spirit will prompt you to do so,) and we do what's right in our own communities, we have to trust the outcome to God, remembering that He is in control, no matter what it looks like from our puny perspectives.

If we are faithful, we must voice our opinions; pray for our elected officials in Washington; pray for our local leaders of state, city and community. To do anything less is to take their side. If there's one thing we know about democrats, those in the past have looked to the wind to determine their direction. They listen to the cries of the people. That's what bleeding hearts do best. Cry loud, cry hard and cry often on behalf of the defenseless. If you don't, don't complain about the withholding of God's blessings on America.

First do all you can. Then let go and trust God. From the Lord comes deliverance.

Arise, O LORD! Deliver me, O my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked. From the LORD comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms - 3:5,6

FaithWalkDaily January 14, 2009

Psalms 3:5-6 I lay down and slept. I woke up in safety, for the LORD was watching over me. I am not afraid of ten thousand enemies who surround me on every side.

One might feel sorry for David. Look at all the enemies he faced in his kingdom. You'd be afraid to step out your front door. Sure glad I don't have that many enemies...

Or do I? Let's consider that. Are you aware that there is a constant flurry of spiritual activity going on around you at any given moment? Just because we don't see something doesn't mean it's not there. Take for instance gravity: can't see it, but it's real. Air: can't see it, but we you sure can't live without it. The moon: it may not be in the visible portion of your sky at the moment, but it's out there affecting tides and behavior. God: can't see Him but He's omnipresent; the evidence is everywhere.

Angels and demons surround us. Can you get your mind around that? Let's see what God's word says about it.
  • Genesis 28:12 Jacob sees angels in a dream.
  • Deuteronomy 42:43 Moses writes of all the angels of God.
  • Nehemiah 9:6 Nehemiah writes of angels of God.
  • Job 1 and 2 addresses angels and Satan meeting with God. All through the book Job mentions angels many times.
  • David writes of angels in Psalms 29.
  • Psalms 78:25 Asaph refers to the manna God provided the Israelites as the "food of angels."
  • Psalms 78:49 refers to destroying angels.
  • Ethan writes of angels in Psalms 89:5.
  • Psalms 91:10 says angels will protect you.
  • Psalms 103:20 says there are armies of angels who serve God and do His will.
  • Isaiah 24:21 says God will punish the fallen angels in heaven and proud rulers of earth.
  • Daniel speaks of a hundred million angels at the throne of God in Daniel 7:10.
  • Matthew 4 tells of how Jesus Himself was tempted by the devil quoting Scripture, promising God's angels to protect Him. Jesus didn't take the bait and angels ministered to Him in that desolate place. Throughout the entire New Testament there are numerous references to angels and demons.
  • Deuteronomy 32:17 tells of people who worshipped demons
  • Psalms 106:37 tells of those who sacrificed their children to demons

One thing is clear in all the references to angels and demons - they exist in an unseen realm. If there are hundreds of millions of angels, and a third of them chose to follow Lucifer, there are millions, probably hundreds of millions of Satan's minions, fallen angels, as well. So where are they? What are they doing?

They're harassing those who love the Lord. Just as Job was harassed and tested, so are each of us. It's my belief that we are tested according to who we are and what God's plans are for us. I am tested physically by the constraints of a damaged body. My husband is tested by financial woes. Perhaps you're tested by lust or dishonesty or anger at those who have hurt you.

Whatever it is, God allows those wicked little losers to attach themselves to us for His purposes. They wage war, perhaps even bet on the outcome. The weak will fall away. Those who love the Lord will seek His strength to persevere.

Sleep in peace. Whatever we're going through, the LORD is watching over us. We will wake in safety, whether in our own beds or in the arms of Jesus. We need not fear the enemies surrounding us who seek to steal our souls.

Heavenly Father, what a blessed revelation, what a comfort to know, You are always watching over us. No matter what demons I face today, the LORD is my strength, my shield, and my deliverer. I will not be afraid, I will sleep in peace. We offer up all that we are, living sacrifices, willing to serve according to Your plans, knowing though we are besieged by the enemy, we are protected by Your heavenly angels. Guide us through each dark valley and rejoice with us on the mountaintops! In Jesus' name we pray, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms - 3:1-4

FaithWalkDaily January 13, 2009

Psalm 3:1-4 O LORD, I have so many enemies; so many are against me. So many are saying, "God will never rescue him!"

But you, O LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, and the one who lifts my head high. I cried out to the LORD, and he answered me from his holy mountain.

I don't know about you, but I feel like David sometimes. Here he is hiding from his own flesh and blood, his son Absalom, who wants him dead.

I don't have any family members who want me dead, thank God. But sometimes the oppression of the world makes me feel like running to the Amish. I just want to get away from the filth of the world and hide my head in the sand, pretending it doesn't exist.

The fact is, Jesus admonished us to live in the world but not of the world. To be salt and light. To be wise as serpents and gentle as lambs. We cannot spread the message hiding in a cave.

It is interesting that Jesus is described as both Lamb of God (John 1:36, 1 Peter 1:19) and Lion of Judah (Revelations 5:5.) He is at once obedient and fierce, gentle, but strong. He shows us how to live in the world according to His ways: Submit to our Master and be empowered in His strength to stand against all enemies. For if God is for us, who can stand against? (Romans 8:31)

Increasingly, people are slipping away from faith and it becomes more difficult with each passing day to take a stand. Statistics tell us the great majority of people call themselves Christians. Yet of those, how many actually worship God daily? Read Scripture regularly? Pray for our leaders? Share the Gospel? Before I was a Christian I called myself a Christian. The numbers would drop significantly if pollsters asked the question, "are you a Bible believing, God-fearing, church attending, gospel spreading Christian?" Where do you stand?

Shall we run and hide or seek refuge in the One who has all power and wisdom?

O Lion of Judah, merciful Lamb! You are God alone, majestic and marvelous. Holy Spirit infuse us with an avid desire to seek, obey and carry out Your plans. We claim the love and power of Jesus to stand firm in these dark days; to be salt and light, wise and gentle and to do all we do for your glory. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms - 2:10-12

FaithWalkDaily January 12, 2009

Psalms 2:10-12 Now then, you kings, act wisely! Be warned, you rulers of the earth! Serve the LORD with reverent fear, and rejoice with trembling. Submit to God's royal son, or he will become angry, and you will be destroyed in the midst of your pursuits — for his anger can flare up in an instant. But what joy for all who find protection in him!

Whether prophetic in nature, speaking of the King of Kings, or simply a statement of the times, a warning to those who would come against King David, these verses speak to me today about authority and obedience.

Man is by nature a rebel. We proved that in Eden long ago. Perhaps I should rephrase that - woman is a rebel, man is easily swayed by her beguiling ways. We'll not get into that one for the moment. My point is, we want to do things our own way, curious and bold as cats.

Yet I've learned from experience, if I submit to the will of God, surrender my desires, and love Him with all my heart, mind, strength and soul, that leads to obedience which leads to joy. That's what I've been experiencing in my life since this year began. I made a conscious decision to stop fighting everything in my life, accept it for what it is, and trust in God completely as I pay attention to the Holy Spirit and obey.

We can all make that choice on a daily basis. Although writing comes easily to me and I'm never at a loss for words, there are many things I could and would be doing if I weren't sitting here tapping away at the keyboard on my laptop. It takes discipline to sit down every day, open God's word, read, pray and consider what He would teach me. I've had many days of "positive procrastination" - doing other things that are good to do but not what I should be doing at any given moment. It takes effort to obey what the Holy Spirit prompts.

Right now it's snowing outside and absolutely gorgeous. I can't think of too many things that lift my spirits more than new fallen, pure, fluffy white snow. I wanted to go photograph geese and ducks on a pond 10 miles away this morning. But I've committed to the Lord to see this through, one day at a time for my spiritual growth and anyone who joins me.

We must obey God first and foremost. (James 1, Hebrews 12, Romans 6, Matthew 5, ) We're told also to obey the laws of the land, respecting authority on earth (Mark 12, 1 Peter 2.)

Serve the LORD with reverent fear, and rejoice with trembling. But what joy for all who find protection in him!

O Lord, God Most High, we tremble in awe considering Your great power, yet melt in our hearts pondering Your great mercy. We submit to You today and each new day, to glorify You in all we do, and for our great joy. Thank You Abba, Father, that You have a perfect plan, a plan for our well-being, one that promises hope and a future. In Jesus' name we pray in grace, amen.


Journey Through the Psalms - 2:7-9

FaithWalkDaily January 11, 2009


Psalms 2:7-9 The king proclaims the LORD's decree: "The LORD said to me, 'You are my son. Today I have become your Father. Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the ends of the earth as your possession. You will break them with an iron rod and smash them like clay pots.'"

The great Scripture commentaries record that these are prophetic verses, referring to the rule of Jesus the Christ. Clearly there is strong indication that these are the words of David to whom God promised abundant blessings.

The obvious is that our strength is in Christ; He rules; in the end He will take down the devil with little effort. But that's not what I want to focus on today.

Only ask...

It is important to break Scripture down word by word when studying, rather than gulping down chapters at a time. If we read the whole of this Psalm without considering the nuances contained in words and phrases, we would miss much. This is, in my estimation, one of the problems with Christians who live on milk and never get into the meat. Of course another problem is taking a phrase or sentence out of context. But we're not going to do that. We're looking at the whole Psalm together and we're going to cull some marvelous morsels of wisdom and God's promises along the way. Those two words are powerful. Only ask.

Let's fast forward in our time machine to when Jesus is teaching. "You have not because you ask not" He says. If you have a PC Study Bible or a good concordance, simply look up the word ask and then look for the red text, Jesus' comments. I happened to be using the NLT in my search. I'm not going to cite every verse because this is a good study for you to do on your own but let me just give you a few examples: Give to those who ask, Your Father knows what you need even before you ask Him, you will be given what you ask, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask Him, ask Him to send our more workers, Keep on asking and you will be given what you ask...I could go on all day but you get the drift.

Only ask. When we pray, it needs to be with a heart that believes God hears and wants to bless us. He said, only ask. Why do we make things so much bigger and more difficult than we have to when all we need to do is ask?

Heavenly Father, we bow down before You in humble adoration, beginning to get just a glimpse of who You are. You, who created the universe, are better than any magic genie could ever be. Because Jesus tells us if we pray with belief, if we pray the desires of our hearts in accordance with Your will, if we only ask, you will provide it. Thank You God that you have not set us here and left us to fend for ourselves, scrabbling around in the dust fighting for every crumb. You are a loving and merciful God who lavishly pours out blessings on those who love and worship You. Yes, we are humbled, in awe of Your ability to wipe us out, yet instead You bless us beyond our wildest dreams. If we only ask. O Lord, how majestic are your ways! Remind us Holy Spirit to ask and trust that God will provide. In Jesus' precious name we pray, amen.